Multiple friendly names

Smartsite 7.2 - ...

With the introduction of Smartsite 7.2, Smartsite now has support for multiple friendly names. This means that you can have multiple items with the same friendly name, as long as the items exists at a different level. This level is called the friendly path. The friendly path is the combination of a friendly name and the friendly names of parent items as they would normally exist in the url of the page.


The following scenario is now supported by Smartsite

Channel A


Channel B


Technical details

The technical implementation is as follows: for each content item, the friendly path is calculated in a stored procedure and stored in a the column 'FriendlyPath' in the table Contents. For each channel with friendly names, there is a new database view called vwFriendlyPaths_XXX where XXX is the channel code. These views are generated by pr_RebuildViews and have a unique constraint that ensure the friendly path exists only once in each channel.