Installation and configuration

Release 1.3 - ...

Because Smi exists of a separate frontend a backend, the installation and configuration requires multiple steps.


  1. Uninstall any previous Smi installation
    Smi 2.0 cannot be installed on system that has Smi 1.5 installed so you must uninstall Smi 1.5 before you install Smi 2.0.
  2. Run the Smartsite iXperion CMS setup
    This setup will automatically install the Smi binaries used by Smi 2.0.
  3. Run the Smartsite iXperion PUB setup
    When you run the setup, select the SMI add-on for installing Smi 2.0. This will add all necessary binaries, add some Smartsite items to the Smartsite database and writes the Smartsite.ManagementInformation.config file.
  4. Run the SmiServer setup
    This setup will install the Smi backend service and starts it automatically. This setup may be run on the same machine as the frontend, but it may also be run on a different machine.

Backend configuration

  1. Create a new database for each site in the backend
    You can create the the Smi database by running the file:

    C:\Program Files\Smartsite Software\SmiServer\Database\SqlServer\Create.cmd

    This will create a new Smi database. The database must be accessible from the backend.
  2. Edit the backend configuration
    Open the SmiServer configuration file C:\Program Files\Smartsite Software\SmiServer\SmiServer.exe.config.

    1. Create a configuration entry for each site in the backend
      After installation, this file contains an xml element

      <site name="MySite">

      You can edit the existing xml element to configure your site or if you want to add another site to an existing SmiServer configuration, you can create a clone of the existing element and add it after the existing xml element <site>.

      The <site> element that you are using has an attribute "name" which has the default value "MySite". Modify it such that is has the name of the site. Modify the <connectionstring> element such that it points to the Smi database that you have created in step 1. You may use the ConnectionBuilder to build a connection string to the database.

    2. Check the WCF configuration
      The backend communicates with the frontend through WCF. By default SmiServer uses the wsHttpBinding binding and the endpoint http://localhost:2020/mysite/HitService to publish its services to the frontend. These settings will work if you install the backend on the same machine as the frontend. You may need to change these settings to match the customers network policy.

  3. Restart the Smartsite Management Information Server Service (Administrative Tools\Services)

Frontend configuration

  1. Check your license
    Make sure you have a license for SMI for Smartsite iXperion.
  2. Edit Smartsite.ManagementInformation.config
    Open the configuration file in the site root. After installation, this file contains an xml element

    <site name="MySite">

    You can edit the existing xml element to configure your site. The <site> element has an attribute "name" which has the default value "MySite". Modify it such that it matches the name you used in step 2a of the Backend configuration. Also edit the value of the attribute "description" such that it describes your site in a few words.
  3. Edit Web.config
    Open the Web.config file in the WWW folder and modify the WCF settings such that the match the settings you have configured in step 2b of the backend setup. By default the Smi Hitservice uses a wsHttpBinding binding and the endpoint http://localhost:2020/mysite/Hitservice.

XML CopyCode image Copy Code
      <binding name="HitServiceBinding" maxReceivedMessageSize="100000000">
        <readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="524288" />
    <!-- SMI endpoint -->
    <endpoint address="http://localhost:2020/mysite/HitService" behaviorConfiguration="HitServiceBehavior" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="HitServiceBinding" contract="Smartsite.ManagementInformation.Server.HitService" />
