XPath on document with multiple default namespaces

In this example, an XML document contains multiple namespaces, and even has more than one namespace as the default namespace. To make life easier when doing XPath queries (XPath being oblivious of the concept of default namespaces), Smartsite will make these namespaces available under the prefixes 'defaultns', 'defaultns2', etc...

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
        <se:parameter name="xml">
                <IsResidentResponse xmlns="http://smartsite.nl/namespaces/efo/1.0">
                    <output xmlns:a="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Smartsite.EFO.PsServer"
                        <a:Code i:nil="true" />
                        <a:Description i:nil="true" />
                        <a:Type i:nil="true" />
        <se:parameter name="actions">
                <se:member query="/defaultns:WebServiceResponse/defaultns2:IsResidentResponse/defaultns2:output/a:Nr">
Example Result CopyCode image Copy Code