Using custom sql statements in smidata.

Release 1.3 - ...

The SmiData macro allows you to use custom sql statements to query the Smi database. This gives you a large amount of freedom in querying the database. This example shows you how to retrieve the top 10 pages of the content type FAQ with the most pageviews.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
    sql="select top 10 c.Nr, c.Title, sum(ppd.Total) as Pageviews from contents c
            inner join Page p on p.SmartsiteId=c.Nr
            inner join PageviewsPerDay ppd on p.Nr=ppd.PageId and ppd.LogDate >= '2010/10/01' and ppd.LogDate {}= '2010/10/31'
            where c.ContentType='FAQ'
            group by c.Nr, c.Title
            order by Pageviews desc"

Note that the Contents table in the Smi database has a column ContentType which contains the code of the content type as stored in the Smartsite database.