Twitter Post

Smartsite 7.6 - ...

Create Twitter post

 Click the Twitter button to start creating a new Twitter post.


First you need to select one of the pre-configured Twitter account(s). When there's only one pre-configured account available, it will be selected automatically. After an account has been selected, the other controls will be enabled.

Publication date

You can choose a publication date for the post, which means it's publication will be scheduled. When this field is left empty, the post will be published on Twitter immediately when you click the Save button.


You can include an image within the post by selecting one using the Media or Explorer button. Notice that every image send to Twitter will be automatically resized to max 1280 pixels width or height.


It is required to include a message text within a post. A Tweet can include up to 140 charachters maximum.

Add link

The add link button allows you to include an item link within the message text. It will open a subaction which allows you to select an item and an available channel for this item.

When you click the Ok button, the item link will be copied to the message text.

Edit Twitter post

The Twitter API and Twitter itself does not offer support for editing existing posts.

Remove Twitter post

To remove an existing post from Twitter, make sure only one existing Twitter post is selected and click the Delete button.

You have to choose one of the three options:

  • Only remove the record within the database (the post itself will remain available on Twitter).
  • Remove the message from Twitter (the record within the database will remain and the status of the post will be set to Removed).
  • Remove the message from Twitter and remove the record from the database.

Select an option and click the Delete button.

Delete multiple records

If you just want to delete the records of multiple Twitter posts from the database, you can select these multiple posts within the library and click the Delete button. Once confirmed, the records will be deleted but the posts itself will remain on Twitter.