The submission element

Release 2.0 - ...

The submission element represents declarative instructions on what to submit, and how.


XML CopyCode image Copy Code
<xforms:submission id="submitMakeModel" ref="/car/make" 


Name Required / optional Description
ref optional Selector binding expression enabling submission of a portion of the instance data.
The selected node, and all descendants, are selected for submission.
The default value is "/".
bind optional Reference to a bind element. When present, the binding reference on this attribute is used in preference to any binding reference from the ref attribute.
resource optional Attribute indicating the destination URI for submitting instance data.
This attribute is not author-optional unless the destination URI is provided by the resource element,
which can dynamically specify the URI based on instance data, or the action attribute.

This attribute should be used in place of the action attribute.
action optional Deprecated author-optional attribute indicating the destination URI for submitting instance data.
mode optional Attribute defaulting to asynchronous and with legal values of synchronous and asynchronous.
method optional Specifies the protocol operation to be used to transmit the serialized instance data.
There is no default value because either the attribute method or the element method must be specified.

Legal values: post, put, get, delete, multipart-post, form-data-post, urlencoded-post, any other NCName, QNameButNotNCName
validate optional Boolean attribute that indicates whether or not the data validation checks of the submission are performed.
The default value is false if the value of serialization is none and true otherwise.
relevant optional Boolean attribute that indicates whether or not the relevance pruning of the submission is performed.
The default value is false if the value of serialization is none and true otherwise.
serialization optional Attribute that controls how and whether to serialize instance data as part of the submission.
The default value of this attribute is based on the submission method.

Supported values: application/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/related, multipart/form-data, none
version optional Specifies the version of XML to be serialized. The default is "1.0".
indent optional Boolean attribute specifying whether the serializer should add extra white space nodes for readability.
The default is false.
mediatype optional Specifies the mediatype for XML serialization of instance data.
Authors should ensure that the type specified is compatible with the data being submitted, such as application/xml for posted XML data.
The default is application/xml.
encoding optional Specifies an encoding for serialization. The default is UTF-8.
omit-xml-declaration optional Boolean attribute specifying whether to omit the XML declaration on the serialized instance data.
The default value is false.
standalone optional Boolean attribute specifying whether to include a standalone declaration in the serialized XML.
If the omit-xml-declaration attribute has the value true, then this attribute is ignored.

Otherwise, if this attribute is omitted, then the XML declaration does not include a standalone document declaration,
and if this attribute is specified, then the XML declaration includes a standalone document declaration with the same value as this attribute.
cdata-section-elements optional Specifies element names to be serialized with CDATA sections.
The default is empty string.
replace optional Specifies how the information returned after submit should be applied.
In the absence of this attribute, all is assumed.
The legal values are all, instance, text and none.
instance optional Specifies the instance to replace when the replace attribute value is instance.
When the attribute is absent, then the default is the instance that contains the submission data.
targetref optional Contains an XPath expression that indicates the target node for data replacement.
separator optional Specifies the separator character used between name/value pairs in urlencoding. The default value is '&amp;'.
To express the default, character entity encoding is used: separator='&amp;amp;'.
includenamespaceprefixes optional Provides control over namespace serialization.
If absent, all namespace nodes present in the instance data are considered for serialization.

If present, specifies list of namespace prefixes to consider for serialization, in addition to those visibly utilized.
The special value "#default" specifies the default namespace.
Common Attributes optional Any attribute from the Common Attributes collection (e.g. id).



Within an submission element, the following child elements are allowed:

Element Name Required / optional Description
resource optional The resource element allows the URI used for a submission to be dynamically calculated based on instance data.
method optional The method element allows the submission method to be dynamically calculated based on instance data.
header optional The header element can be used to contribute information to the preamble of a submission in a manner appropriate to the protocol.
Action element(s) optional Any element from the Action Elements Collection.


Link to the XForms specification: the submission element.
