How to use Code Snippets in the SXML Editor

Release 1.1 - ...

The SXML editor supports Code Snippet inserting. To use this feature in the Smartsite Manager SXML editor, you have to know that this editor is installed on client machines locally, and the snippet XML must be present in the local SXML Editor folder.

You can see which folder is used by the SXML editor, select 'View SXML Editor Details' in the SXML Editor Toolbar:

View SXML Editor Details

In the information pane, copy the local path as marked:

The local storage path for the SXML Editor

Go to the selected path in a file explorer window.

Now, copy the <Site Root>\WWW\Bin\CodeSnippets folder to this folder:

SXML Editor local app folder

Edit an item in the CMS Manager. You should see a number of snippets when you select 'Insert' >> 'Code Snippets' from the Context Menu:

Snippets dropdown