Configuring ImageProcessor

Release 1.0 - ...

Configuring of the ImageProcessor is done by editing Smartsite.ImageProcessor.config. This file contains 3 sections:

  • global application settings (settings that affect the entire imageprocessor)
  • image commands
  • supported image types

Smartsite.ImageProcessor.config is a configuration file containing XML syntax instructions for the ImageProcessor component. ImageProcessor will not function without it. The commands node of the config file contains nodes that specify the behaviour. Check the ImageProcessor user guide for details on commands and syntax

Global application settings
Smartsite.ImageProcessor.config contains a "smartsite.imageserver" node. The attributes stored in this node apply to the ImageProcessor component in general. We advise caution when changing the values of these items. Below an explanation of what these settings do.

Setting Definition Default
enabled Enables or disables the entire image processor


processallimages Indicates whether the image processor should process all images even when no explicit image command is specified in the querystring of an image request.


cachemode Defines the disk cache mode (values: None, Read, Write, ReadWrite) ReadWrite
headerresponsemessage A message sent using HTTP headers when the image processor has processed the image response. Processed by Smartsite ImageServer

Site developers can determine the way ImageProcessor uses disk caching. The "nc" command can be used to manipulate cache usage. This command has the same syntax as a regular ImageCommand. The nc command has the following settings:

0 = use cache mode as defined in configuration, 1 = do not read from or write to cache

Order of execution
This can be used to manipulate the order of execution for imagecommands. The command syntax is "o" (ex: o=1).
There are four settings for order of execution:

0. Crop, Rotate, Scale, Mirror, other commands in configuration order (this is the default).
1. Rotate, Crop, Scale, Mirror, other commands in configuration order.
2. Execute commands in order received, other commands in configuration order.
3. Execute commands in configuration order.

Note that the "o" and "nc" commands have the same syntax as an ImageCommand and can be applied to a regular imageprocessor command string.