SearchEngineSitemap Example 2

This example adds item 2 to the output with priority 1.0 and changefrequency set to daily, adds all other items of the content types PWP and WP with the default priority of 0.5 and adds all files with the extensions Htm, Html, Pdf and Txt with priority 0.3, except for the file /robots.txt which is excluded from the output.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:searchenginesitemap hostheader="http://localhost/" username="guest">
        <se:parameter name="urls">
            <se:includeitems channel="def" items="2" recurse="false" priority="1" changefrequency="daily" />
            <se:includeitems channel="def" contenttypes="pwp,wp" />
            <se:includefiles path="/" extensions="htm,html,pdf,txt" recurse="true" priority="0.3" />
            <se:excludefiles path="/robots.txt" />