Macro Parameter |
Description |
Access Macro Parameter
Friendly name of the minimum access type level required by the site visitor to execute this macro. |
AccessDenied Macro Parameter
Sets the value that is returned when the site visitor has insufficient access. |
Action (GoogleWebmasterTools) Macro Parameter
Sets the action performed. |
Actions (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets the actions to perform on the XML object. |
AddBaseHref Macro Parameter
Set to true to add a base href element to the head section of the embedded page. |
AddStyle (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to add a style attribute to the output. |
AIM Macro Parameter
Sets the AIM scanning mode of the macro. |
AjaxError (Smartlet) Macro Parameter
Sets the code to execute when an error occurs while in ajax callback mode. |
AllowAnonymous (Poll) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether anonymous users can vote in this poll. Default is true. |
AllowDtd (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to allow DTDs (Doctype definition) within the xml. When transforming xhtml which includes a doctype definition, you need to set this property totrue. |
Allowemptysearch (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the facet. |
AltText (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the alt text property for the image. |
Amount (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the amount. |
AspectRatio (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to keep the aspect ratio when the image is resized. |
Assetsearch (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the search terms. |
AssumeSortedInputs (Join) Macro Parameter
Set to true if both inputs are already sorted by the SortColumn field to speed up sorting.
Meaningless if SortColumn is not set. |
Attachments (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the attachments. Attachments are loaded from disk. |
Attribs (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Custom attributes to include in the outer div. |
AuthenticationPassword (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Optionally set the Password property to authenticate to web server before accessing the URL to be converted (e.g handles any IIS authentication method). |
AuthenticationUsername (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Optionally set the Username property to authenticate to web server before accessing the URL to be converted (e.g handles any IIS authentication method). |
AutoIncrementSerial (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to increment the serial automatically. If one or more failed attempts were already registered, the module will increment the serial automatically. |
AutoTitle (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to automatically copy a title attribute from the AltText, if not specified. |
BaseUrl (PdfDocument) Macro Parameter
Sets the base URL for the requested HTML. |
Bcc (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the address(es) to send blind carbon copies of the message to. |
BindingConfigurationName (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the binding configuration.When you specify aBindingConfigurationName, the web.config must contain a binding configuration section with that name. |
BindingType (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets the type of the binding. |
Body (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the body text of the message. |
BodyIsHtml (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether the body is HTML. |
BoxFormat (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Sets the box result format. By default, the createsmartletbox() translation will be called. |
BoxMode (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Visual styling of the box. Only predefined value is 'none' for a non-visible container. |
BoxSkin (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Skin type of the box. |
BoyerMoore (Replace) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether use the Boyer Moore search algorithm. |
Brand (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the brand of the payment method. |
BuildString (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to build an output string using the code in each action.By default, the input Xml is manipulated in-place, and the result will be the modified Xml document.By specifying this value, the result will be constructed by executing the actions and concatenate the results. |
Buttons (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Sets the button HTML, rendered in the title bar of the box. |
BypassExistingCache (Cache) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to bypass existing cache (default: false). |
BypassExistingCache (FeedReader) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to bypass existing cache. |
Cacheable (SmartletPreset) Macro Parameter
Set Cacheable to true to allow the preset to be cached. If the current preset inherits from a preset that isn't cacheable, the current preset will not be cacheable either. |
CallbackUrl (DigiDLogin) Macro Parameter
Sets the callback url. Defaults to the current url. |
Caption (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Sets the caption, rendered in the title bar of the box. |
CaseInsensitive (Replace) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether do case insensitive replacements. |
CatalogUrl (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the URL to the catalog page. The Payment page will display this link as a button. |
CC (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the address(es) to send carbon copies of the message to. |
Channel (References) Macro Parameter
Sets the channel on which to render dynamic references. |
Channel (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the channel for this report. |
ChannelCodes (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Macro Parameter
Sets the channel codes. |
ChannelCodes (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the channel codes. |
Channels (References) Macro Parameter
Sets the channels to use for rendering. |
CheckoutName (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the checkout to use for payment. Checkouts can be configured in Smartsite.Ogone.config. |
ChildOrderField (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns the name of the field that determines the sort order of a node's children. |
ClassName (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the class name attribute of the image. |
ColumnData (PlaceholderData) Macro Parameter
Sets the column data to use for adding a row to the target placeholder. |
CommandOrder (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the order in which the image commands are being applied. |
CommentId (ItemComments) Macro Parameter
Sets the id of the comment to be returned. Setting CommentId will ignore ContentItem. |
Compile (Transform) Macro Parameter
Sets if the xslt should be compiled before the transform is executed. When the xslt is compiled it will run faster than xslt's that are not compiled. Under some circumstances the compilation penalty may be larger than the gain. For those xslt's you can turn off the compiler. Generally speaking, a compiled xslt is faster for small xslt's with large xml files, an uncompiled xslt is faster for large xslt's with small xml files. Note that there may be subtle differences between compiled or uncompiled xslt's, especially when setting the xslt indent option to true. |
Condition Macro Parameter
Sets the Viper expression to evaluate before actually executing the macro.If the expression returns false, the execution of the module and its child modules is skipped. |
ConditionType (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData) Macro Parameter
Determines the type of search condition to generate (fulltext or LIKE statement(s)). |
ConditionType (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData20) Macro Parameter
Determines the type of search condition to generate (fulltext or LIKE statement(s)). |
ConfigurationXml Macro Parameter
Sets the configuration XML. |
Connection (SqlQuery) Macro Parameter
Sets the connection used for the Sql query. |
Connection Macro Parameter
Sets the connection used for the Sql query. |
ContentDisposition Macro Parameter
Gets or sets the ContentDisposition mode that is set on the output stream. |
ContentItem (ItemComments) Macro Parameter
Sets the content item for which the comments will be retrieved. |
ContentTypeCodeFolders (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the content type code which should be used for folder items. |
ConversionDelay (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be loaded. A delay is necessary for example to allow a Flash movie to start before starting conversion. |
Cookies (EmbedUri) Macro Parameter
Gets or sets a collection of cookies passed to and from the embedded page.
these cookies override any cookies passed when HeaderMode is set to Request. |
Copyright (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the copyright of the RSS feed. |
CropBottom (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the crop bottom. |
CropHeight (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the height of the crop. |
CropLeft (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the crop left. |
CropRight (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the crop right. |
CropTop (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the crop top. |
CropWidth (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the width of the crop. |
CssLocation (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets the location for standard Scf-included styles. Default: MERGE_SCF_BEHAVIOR_CSS. |
Culture (Locale) Macro Parameter
Sets the current culture using it's culture name. |
Currency (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the currency using ISO 4217 codes. |
CurrentKey (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns the key value of the current sibling. |
CurrentPage (Paging) Macro Parameter
Sets the current page. |
CustomData (EmbedPreview) Macro Parameter
Sets the custom data to render with. |
CustomDoctype Macro Parameter
Sets the custom doctype. |
CustomerAddress (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the customer address. |
CustomerCountry (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the customer country. |
CustomerEmail (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the customer email address. |
CustomerName (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the customer. |
CustomerPhone (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the customer phone number. |
CustomerTown (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the customer town. |
CustomerZipcode (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the customer zipcode. |
CustomPostData (EmbedUri) Macro Parameter
Sets the custom post data. |
CustomPostData Macro Parameter
Sets the custom post data. |
CustomProperties (SetFileProperties) Macro Parameter
Collection of name-value pairs to be set as meta properties for the given file |
CustomRequestBody Macro Parameter
Sets the custom request body. |
CustomRequestContentType Macro Parameter
Sets the content type of the request when CustomRequestBody is set. |
Data (Binary) Macro Parameter
Sets the data. |
Data (Buffer) Macro Parameter
Sets the input data for the buffer. |
DataSeries (Chart) Macro Parameter
Sets the data series shown in this chart. |
Date (Calendar) Macro Parameter
Sets the date. |
DayFormat (Calendar) Macro Parameter
Sets the day format. |
Default Macro Parameter
Sets the default value that will be returned when the execution would otherwise return an empty string. |
Defaultcombine (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData20) Macro Parameter
Sets the defaultcombine operation. |
DefaultPriority (SearchEngineSitemap) Macro Parameter
Sets the defaultpriority used when no other priority has been specified. |
DefaultReturnUrl (Login) Macro Parameter
Sets the default redirect url, after successful login.Note that the resultformat should contain login.return() for redirection execution to take place. |
Dependencies (Code) Macro Parameter
Sets the references to assemblies the code depends on. |
DependsOn Macro Parameter
Sets the Id's of the placeholders this placeholder depends on. |
Description (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the description of the RSS feed. |
Description (TranslationContext) Macro Parameter
An optional description of the context setting the Translation Scopes. |
DisableSmartlet (SmartletPreset) Macro Parameter
Set to true to disable rendering for the smartlet that uses this preset. |
DisplayBack (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Value for the Display field of the Back sibling. |
DisplayChild (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Value for the Display field of the Child sibling. |
DisplayFields (Parents) Macro Parameter
Extra fields (besides nr, parent, folder) that will be selected from the database. As needed to display links. Defaults to title in Initialize(). |
DisplayFields (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Comma-separated list of fields that should be present in the data set because they are used in formatting. Only relevant when used for content items. Otherwise the dataset has to be passed and the user should include these fields himself. |
DisplayFields (XLinks) Macro Parameter
Collection of fields to be selected from the database. Nr is always included. If no DisplayFields are set, nr, title and description are used. |
DisplayFirst (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Value for the Display field of the First sibling. |
DisplayLast (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Value for the Display field of the Last sibling. |
DisplayName (Smartlet) Macro Parameter
Sets sXML to determine the display name of the Smartlet. The display name is used in the SmartletListInput. |
DisplayName (SmartletPreset) Macro Parameter
The display name for the preset. |
DisplayNext (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Value for the Display field of the Next sibling. |
DisplayParent (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Value for the Display field of the Parent sibling. |
DocType Macro Parameter
Sets the Html Doctype. |
DuoToneTint (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the tint color of the duo tone effect. |
Else (If) Macro Parameter
The Else clause of the If constuct. |
Email (GoogleWebmasterTools) Macro Parameter
Sets the email address used to login. |
EmbeddedResources (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the embedded resources. Embedded resources are added embedded in the mail and can be referenced from within e.g. the image element in html. |
EnableActiveX (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Enable ActiveX controls when rendering HTML to image. Default is false. |
EnableBehaviors (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Enable behaviors when rendering HTML to image. Default is false. |
Enabled (CacheFile) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether caching is enabled. |
EnableJavascript (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Enable scripts when rendering HTML to image. Default is true. |
Encode (ViewSource) Macro Parameter
Sets the encode viper used to encode the contents of this macro. |
Encode (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to {'T_Smartsite_Runtime_Modules_XmlProcessorModule','Smartsite.Runtime.Modules.XmlProcessorModule')} encode the given XML string. Default: true |
Encoding Macro Parameter
Sets the encoding of the output stream. |
EndpointConfigurationName (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the endpoint configuration.When you specify anEndpointConfigurationName, the web.config must contain an (client) endpoint configuration with that name. |
Enrich (Dir) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether this directory listing should be enriched. |
Error Macro Parameter
Sets the value to return in case on error occurs during execution.The Viper expressions this.error(), this.error(full) and this.error(type) are available in this context. |
EvaluationScope (TranslationContext) Macro Parameter
Sets the evaluation scope. This is the user-specified scope to use to force a translation to be found in the given scope. Use -1 to keep the current evaluation scope. |
ExactTerms (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to use exact terms or that a wild-card should be appended to each search term. |
ExactTerms (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData20) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to use exact terms or that a wild-card should be appended to each search term. |
ExcludeContentTypes (ItemComments) Macro Parameter
Sets a list of content type codes to exclude in latest comments overview. |
ExcludeFileExtensions (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the file extensions (dot included, semicolon separated) which should be excluded. Defaults to ".exe;.dll;.db;.config". |
ExcludeFolders (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the folders (relative paths) which should be excluded. E.g. "/indexedcontent/extranetdocuments,/indexedcontent/restricted/documents". |
ExpandWithFormsOf (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to expand the search term(s) with FORMSOF() statements. Only applicable when ConditionType equals FullText. |
ExpandWithFormsOf (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData20) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to expand the search term(s) with FORMSOF() statements. Only applicable when ConditionType equals FullText. |
Expiration (CacheFile) Macro Parameter
Sets the expiration date/time to compare with the cache entry on disk. When the specified expiration value exceeds the last modified value of the cached entry a new entry is written. |
Expression (If) Macro Parameter
Sets the expression for the if-else flow. |
Expression (Switch) Macro Parameter
Sets the expression for conditional branching. |
Expression Macro Parameter
Sets the expression used to evaluate each loop. |
ExternalResultFormat (Region) Macro Parameter
Sets the external result format. |
ExtraData (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the extra data. Will be sent with the request to Ogone. |
ExtraElements (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Extra Elements to include in the box output. Except for BoxMove="none", these elements should always be invisible. |
ExtraHeaders (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the extra headers of the RSS feed. |
ExtraSettings (GoogleWebmasterTools) Macro Parameter
Sets the extra settings that may be needed by the selected action. |
Facet (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Macro Parameter
Sets the facet. |
Facet (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the facet. |
FacetValues (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Macro Parameter
Sets the facet values. |
FacetValues (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the facet values. |
FallbackImage (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the location for the image to be used when the image specified in the Location parameter cannot be found. |
FallbackScope (TranslationContext) Macro Parameter
Sets the fallback scope. This is normally a system-defined scope that is used when neither page scope, nor evaluation scope result in a valid translation. Use -1 to keep the current fallback scope. |
Field (Binary) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the field to load. |
Field (ItemData) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the property. |
FieldNames (PlaceHolder) Macro Parameter
Sets the field names for the underlying datatable.When specifying field names, you can use this.field(name) to retrieve column values in the rowformat parameter.Otherwise, you'll have to field values by index.Also, field names must be specified to be able to use theSortColumnparameter. |
FileExclusionExpressions (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the file exclusion(regular) expressions. This parameter takes precedence over the ExcludeFileExtensions parameter. |
FileName (SetFileProperties) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the file. |
FileName (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the file to which the import xml should be saved. |
FileName Macro Parameter
Sets the file name that will be set as the content disposition filename. |
Filesearch (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the search terms. |
FileType (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the file type of the image. Possible values are define in the imageFileTypes collection in the Smartsite.ImageProcessor.config file. |
FileTypeFilter (ImageProperties) Macro Parameter
Sets the comma seperated list of accepted file types. |
Filter (Dir) Macro Parameter
Collection of wildcard patterns to filter the data with. |
FixLinks Macro Parameter
Fixes links to self and relative resources. |
FolderExclusionExpressions (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the folder exclusion (regular) expressions. This parameter takes precedence over the ExcludeFolders parameter. |
FoldersOnly (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to show folders only. |
FollowRedirect Macro Parameter
Determines if redirect instructions from the embedded page are followed. |
ForceEncoding (Payment) Macro Parameter
The Payment module sets the response encoding to ISO-8859-1 for the page containing the payment form to make sure Internet Explorer posts the correct data to Ogone. Disable this behaviour by setting ForceEncoding to false. |
Form (SmartletNoScript) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to emit a form element. |
Format (Format) Macro Parameter
Sets the formatting |
Format Macro Parameter
Sets the formatting Xml. |
FormatSourceId Macro Parameter
Sets the source id of the macro to use the formatting from. |
FormAttribs (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
When non-empty, a form tag will be emitted using the given attributes. |
Fragment (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether this {'T_Smartsite_Runtime_Modules_XmlProcessorModule','Smartsite.Runtime.Modules.XmlProcessorModule')} is an XML fragment. |
From (For) Macro Parameter
Sets the starting index for the loop. |
From (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the sender of the message. |
From (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the from date. |
Fulltextoveride (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData20) Macro Parameter
Sets a fulltextoveride. |
Fulltextoverideset Macro Parameter
Sets the fulltext. |
GenerateKeyOnly (Cache) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to generate a cache key only (SXML code will not be executed). Default: false. |
GenerateRobotsTxt (SearchEngineSitemap) Macro Parameter
Sets if the robots.txt file should be generated or not. |
Generator (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the generator of the RSS feed. |
Global (Cache) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating the cache is to be used globally (over all channels). Default: true.If not set (default setting), the generated cache key will include a reference to the curent channel, making the cache valid for this channel only.If you are sure the generated cache has no dependencies on channel-specific data, you can safely set 'Global' to true. |
Grayscale (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether this generated image is grayscale. |
HeaderMode (EmbedUri) Macro Parameter
Sets the http header handling mode for the embedded request/response. |
Height (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the image height. |
Height (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Sets the web page height. Defaults to 1600. Set to 0 for auto-detect. |
Height (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Height style property for the box. Will be applied to the inner div of the box. |
HomeUrl (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the home URL of the current site. The Payment page will display this link as a button. Defaults to the Website address setting in the Ogone account/Administrative details settings. |
HostHeader (SearchEngineSitemap) Macro Parameter
Sets the host header that is used for all the urls in the output. |
Href (Link) Macro Parameter
Sets the location of the link. |
Html (PdfDocument) Macro Parameter
Sets the source HTML. |
HtmlAttributes (Link) Macro Parameter
Sets a collection of name-value pairs that will be used as attributes of the anchor tag. |
HtmlBody (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the HTML body. |
HttpRequestHeaders (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Sets a string containing the HTTP headers sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. The HTTP headers string can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. |
Id (Application) Macro Parameter
Sets the Id of the macro. Macros with Ids set can be accessed using Viper by referring to page.[id].[methodname()]. |
Id (Json) Macro Parameter
Sets the Id of the macro. Macros with Ids set can be accessed using Viper by referring to page.[id].[methodname()]. |
Id (PageTranslations) Macro Parameter
Defines the identifier under which the page-local translations will be accessible.
This identifier is always prefixed with 'translation.', so that your translations will be accessible as 'translation.[yourid].[yourmembername](args)'. |
Id Macro Parameter
Sets the Id of the macro. Macros with Ids set can be accessed using Viper by referring to page.[id].[methodname()]. |
IgnoreDuplicates Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to ignore duplicate entries |
ImageFormat (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Sets the ImageFormat to be used. Defaults to Png. |
ImageId (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the id attribute of the image. |
Images (PdfDocument) Macro Parameter
Sets the images being used in the PDF document. The assigned image key can be used to reference the image in the PDF settings. |
Impersonate (DigiDLogin) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether the {'T_Smartsite_DigiD_DigiDLoginModule','Smartsite.DigiD.DigiDLoginModule')} should impersonate. |
IncludeDefaults (Metadata) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to include the default meta elements such as generator, author, robots. |
IncludeDirectories (Dir) Macro Parameter
Gets or set a value indicating whether directories are included in the output |
IncludeDublinCore (Metadata) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to include Dublin Core metadata elements. |
IncludeExtraData (ItemComments) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether extra data should be included in the table. |
IncludeFiles (Dir) Macro Parameter
Gets or set a value indicating whether files are included in the output |
IncludeMandatoryPlaceholders (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating the mandatory placeholders must be included, so that a call to Scf suffices. |
IncludeMetadata (ImageProperties) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to include metadata to the image properties. |
IncludeParents (FilterByHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to include the parents themselves. |
IncludeRoot (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Determines if the StartItem will be included in the output. Does not influence level. |
IncludeRoot (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Determines if the StartItem will be included in the output. Does not influence level. |
Inherit (SmartletPreset) Macro Parameter
A reference to a base preset. Settings from the base preset can be overriden in the current preset. |
InlineAttachments (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the inline attachments. Inline attachments are mail attachments whose content is not stored on disk but is available in Sxml. |
Inner (NoAIM) Macro Parameter
Sets the inner Xml of the Container module. |
Inner (Region) Macro Parameter
Sets the inner Xml of the region module. |
Inner (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Sets the inner Xml of the SmartletBox module. |
Inner Macro Parameter
Sets the inner Xml of the Container module. |
Inner Macro Parameter
Sets the inner Xml of the Container module. |
InnerClass (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Additional class(es) to apply to the inner div of the box. |
InputBuffer (XmlDataTable) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of a buffer from which the xml property will be read. |
InputData (Calendar) Macro Parameter
Passes a Datatable directly to the module as input. |
InputData (CmsUpdate) Macro Parameter
Sets the input data. |
InputData (Dir) Macro Parameter
Sets the input data. |
InputData (Filter) Macro Parameter
Source data to be filtered. |
InputData (FilterByHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets the input data. |
InputData (Format) Macro Parameter
Datatable to use as input.Can be the name of a buffer, a viper method that returns an object that can be cast/converted to a datatable, or a macro that returns a datatable. |
InputData (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the input data. This must be a datatable containing the image. |
InputData (ImageProperties) Macro Parameter
Sets the input data |
InputData (Json) Macro Parameter
Sets the input data (Json). |
InputData (Paging) Macro Parameter
Sets the input DataTable. |
InputData (Parents) Macro Parameter
Data table containing parent items. The table should be sorted from highest to lowest. |
InputData (RSS) Macro Parameter
Passes a DataTable directly to the module as input. The table can contain the following columns: title, item, description, author, category, comments, enclosure, guid, pubDate, source. |
InputData (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Sets the dataset through which the siblings module will navigate. Using inputdata will not create Child links. Parent link can be created by including a level field. Level 1 is the parent, all siblings are level 0. Other values for level are ignored. |
InputData (Sort) Macro Parameter
Source data to be sorted. |
InputData (Statistics) Macro Parameter
Data table containing items whose statistics will be shown. |
InputData (Tags) Macro Parameter
Sets the input datatable. |
InputData (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
DataTable containing the hierarchically ordered data. |
InputData (ViewSource) Macro Parameter
Sets the input buffer. |
InputData (XLinks) Macro Parameter
Passes a DataTable directly to the module as input. |
InputData Macro Parameter
Passes a Datatable directly to the module as input. |
InputTables (Join) Macro Parameter
Collection of (unnamed) DataTables that will be joined together. Using InputTables overrides Left and Right properties. |
Item (Binary) Macro Parameter
Sets the item in which the binary data is located. |
Item (ItemData) Macro Parameter
Sets the item in which the property should be located. |
Item (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the (root) item, which should be used as filesystem mirror. |
ItemFormat (FeedReader) Macro Parameter
Sets the formating used for each item within the row format. |
ItemFormat (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Sets the formating used for each item within the row format. |
Items (Statistics) Macro Parameter
Items for which the page request information is retrieved and displayed. |
JavascriptLocation (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets the location for standard Scf-included scripts. Default: MERGE_SCF_BEHAVIOR_JS. |
JobParameters (ScheduledJob) Macro Parameter
Gets the job parameters. |
JpgQuality (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the JPG quality. |
jQueryLocation (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets the jQuery library location. |
jQueryNoConflict (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to use jQuery noConflict (the '$' variable is used by another library). |
jQueryVar (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets the jQuery variable currently used. Defaults to '$j'. |
KeyDependencies (Cache) Macro Parameter
Sets a list of dependencies that will help generate a unique cache key for the cache block.For instance, if you wish to have cache generated depending on a querystring parameter or the current user-role, add vipers accordingly. |
KeyField (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns the name of the key field in the data set. |
KeyField (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns the name of the key field. |
Language (Code) Macro Parameter
Sets the language. |
Language (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the language of the RSS feed. |
LatestCommentsCount (ItemComments) Macro Parameter
Sets the number of latest comments to be returned. When LatestCommentsCount is set the ContentItem and CommentId parameters are ignored and an overview of latest comments for the entire site is returned. |
LatestCommentsForUser (ItemComments) Macro Parameter
Sets the userid for which the latest comments should be returned. Only meaningful when LatestCommentsCount is set. |
Layout (Chart) Macro Parameter
Sets the layout used to display this chart. |
Left (Join) Macro Parameter
Gets or sets the left SXMLDataTable to join. |
LevelField (Siblings) Macro Parameter
The level field is distinguishes between siblings (0) and parent (1) in the dataset. |
LevelField (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns the name of the level field. |
Link (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the link of the RSS feed. |
LinkChannel (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the channel to which links in the RSS stream should point. |
List (PageTranslations) Macro Parameter
Used to set the list of translations to define. |
LiteralMethodNode (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Literal body element, which will be appended to the method-node of the SoapEnvelope. Use either this property or the MethodArguments property to specify the method arguments/parameters. (When both properties are specified, LiteralMethodeNode will be ignored.) |
LocalId Macro Parameter
Sets the local id of the macro in the current buffer scope. |
Location (Application) Macro Parameter
Sets the location of the ASP.NET application. |
Location (EmbedUri) Macro Parameter
Gets or sets the location to embed. |
Location (FeedReader) Macro Parameter
Sets the location. |
Location (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the location of the image. This can be either a smartsite item or a site file. |
Location (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Sets the location of the source HTML. This can be an (absolute) url or a smartsite item. |
Location (ImageProperties) Macro Parameter
Sets the location |
Location (PdfDocument) Macro Parameter
Sets the location of the source HTML. This can be an url, a smartsite item or a site file. |
Location (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the location. This must be a folder on disc (relative path). |
Location (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets the location of the xml to load. |
Location Macro Parameter
Gets or sets the location to embed. |
MapLinkUrls (Smartlet) Macro Parameter
Set this parameter to true to automatically map urls created using Smartlet.Link() as Url Parameters(provided that the item in which the Smartlet is rendered supports Url Parameters). |
MatchScheme (XmlDataTable) Macro Parameter
Sets the DataTable to match the scheme with. |
MaxAge (Cache) Macro Parameter
Sets the timeout in the format of a TimeSpan (HH:mm:ss).Default: none (cache until cache is flushed by external event, such as site refresh, AIM events)Use 0 for immediate timeout. |
MaxAge (CacheFile) Macro Parameter
Sets the timeout in the format of a TimeSpan (00:00:00). |
MaxAge (FeedReader) Macro Parameter
Sets the timeout in the format of a TimeSpan (00:00:00). |
MaxFontSize (Tags) Macro Parameter
Sets the size of the max font. |
MaxHeight (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the maximum height. |
MaxLevels (Parents) Macro Parameter
Maximum number of levels to step back through. Default to 0 (meaning no limit) in Initialize(). |
MaxLevels (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Maximum number of levels that will be determined. Initialized at 2. 0 means no maximum, returning all items below the StartItem. |
MaxLevels (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Maximum number of levels that will be determined. Initialized at 2. 0 means no maximum, returning all items below the StartItem. |
MaxReceivedMessageSize (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets the max received message size.IfBindingConfigurationNamehas been specified as well, MaxReceivedMessageSize will be ignored. |
MaxRows Macro Parameter
Sets a limit for the number of rows that the output may contain. |
MaxWidth (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the maximum width. |
MethodArguments (Webservice) Macro Parameter
The method arguments. |
MethodName (Webservice) Macro Parameter
The name of the webservice method that should be invoked.
It is required to either specify the MethodName or the LiteralMethodNode parameter. |
MethodNamespace (Webservice) Macro Parameter
The namespace to be used on the MethodName. |
MethodNamespacePrefix (Webservice) Macro Parameter
The namespace to be used on the MethodNamespace. |
MimeType (Binary) Macro Parameter
Sets the mime type that will be set for the response. |
MinFontSize (Tags) Macro Parameter
Sets the size of the min font. |
MinHeight (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the minimum height. |
MinimumAccessLevel (Parents) Macro Parameter
Sets the minimum access level for each item by name. The given level must be defined as an AccessTypeLevel. |
MinimumAccessLevel (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Sets the minimum access level for each item by name. The given level must be defined as an AccessTypeLevel. |
MinimumAccessLevel (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Sets the minimum access level for each item by name. The given level must be defined as an AccessTypeLevel. |
MinimumAccessLevel (XLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the minimum access level for each item by name. The given level must be defined as an AccessTypeLevel. |
MinimumBrowseLevel (Parents) Macro Parameter
Sets the minimum access level for each item to be shown. Leave 0 to forgo security checks. |
MinimumBrowseLevel (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Sets the minimum access level for each item to be shown. Leave 0 to forgo security checks. |
MinimumBrowseLevel (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Sets the minimum browse level for each item to be shown. Leave 0 to forgo security checks. |
MinWidth (Image) Macro Parameter
Gets or set the minimum width. |
Mirror (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the mirror type. |
Mode (Calendar) Macro Parameter
Sets the Calendar mode to use. |
Mode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Macro Parameter
Sets the (query) mode. |
Mode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the (query) mode. |
Mode (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the mode of the payment module. |
Mode (SqlQuery) Macro Parameter
The mode determines if a datatable, a scalar or the number of affected records is returned. |
Mode (Tags) Macro Parameter
Sets the mode. |
NameField (Login) Macro Parameter
Sets the field the username value is stored in. |
Namespaces (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets the namespaces. |
NavigationTimeout (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
The navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60. |
OilPaint (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to apply the oil paint effect. |
OmitXmlDeclaration (XHtmlPage) Macro Parameter
Sets the boolean indication whether the xml declaration should be outputted or not. |
OnClick (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the onclick attribute of the image. |
OnLoadHandler (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets the Javascript Load handler to call on DOM ready. Default: onLoad. |
Operation (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData) Macro Parameter
Sets the combine operation. |
Operation (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData20) Macro Parameter
Sets the combine operation. |
Options (Replace) Macro Parameter
Sets the replacement options. |
Order (XLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the order. |
OrderBy (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Macro Parameter
Sets the order by clause. |
OrderBy (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the order by clause. |
OrderId (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the order id. |
OuterClass (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Additional class(es) to apply to the outer div of the box. |
OuterId (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Id of the outer div of the box. |
OutputBufferName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the output buffer for storing the datatable (which should be passed to the sqlquery macro). |
OutputBufferName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the output buffer for storing the datatable (which should be passed to the sqlquery macro). |
OutputDecoding Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to use output decoding before sending the response to the client. |
OutputInnerText (Webservice) Macro Parameter
If true, the "innerText" of the SoapEnvelope response will be returned as result. If false, the result should be formatted using the format-parameter. |
OutputRequestEnvelope (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Outputs the request SoapEnvelope as string (debug option).The actual request will not be executed, so there will be no response. |
PageScope (TranslationContext) Macro Parameter
Sets the page scope. This is the first scope that will always be used for translation resolving, unless the translation.localscope prefix is used. Use -1 to keep the current page scope. |
PageSize (Paging) Macro Parameter
Sets the size of the page. |
PagingId (SqlQuery) Macro Parameter
Sets the id of an associated paging macro. |
ParametersNamespace (Webservice) Macro Parameter
The namespace to be used for the parameters/arguments inside the body element. |
ParameterValidation (SqlQuery) Macro Parameter
Determines how sql parameters are checked before executing. |
Params (SqlQuery) Macro Parameter
Sql params Xml section. |
Parent (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the parent. |
Parent (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Sets the parent. |
Parent (XLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the parent. |
ParentField (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns the name of the parent field. |
Parents (FilterByHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets the parents of which the filtered items must descend from. |
Password (CmsUpdate) Macro Parameter
Sets the password for the given user. |
Password (EmbedUri) Macro Parameter
Sets the password for the embedded request. |
Password (FeedReader) Macro Parameter
Sets the password to use for feed retrieval. |
Password (GoogleWebmasterTools) Macro Parameter
Sets the password used to login. |
Password (Impersonate) Macro Parameter
Sets the password. |
Password (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets the password.Only needed when the webservice is restricted by means of basic http authentication. |
PasswordField (Login) Macro Parameter
Sets the field the password/hash value is stored in. |
Path (Dir) Macro Parameter
The path of which the directory listing will be returned. |
PaymentMethod (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the payment method. |
PdfSettings (PdfDocument) Macro Parameter
Sets the PDF settings to be applied to the created PDF document. |
Ping (SearchEngineSitemap) Macro Parameter
Sets if search engines should be pinged that a new sitemap is available. |
PollFolder (Poll) Macro Parameter
Reference to a folder containing Poll items. If no PollItem is specified, the most recently activated poll will be selected from this folder. |
PollItem (Poll) Macro Parameter
Gets a reference to the Smartsite item containing the poll question, answers and number of votes. |
Port (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the port.If no port is given, the default SMTP port (25) will be used. |
PostDirect Macro Parameter
Set to true to make form actions point to the embedded page directly, without passing through Smartsite. |
PreserveWhitespace (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to preserve whitespace in the Xml document. |
Priority (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the priority. |
ProcessHttpErrors (EmbedUri) Macro Parameter
Set to true to receive a response even when an Http error has occurred. Set to false to throw the Http error as an exception. |
ProfileName (DigiDLogin) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of config section to be used. |
Properties (Smartlet) Macro Parameter
Gets the full list of properties of the Smartlet. |
QueryPrefix (Paging) Macro Parameter
Sets the prefix that should be used to access the paging state for this paging macro.Use different prefixes if more than one paging macro resides on the same web page. |
RawSoapHeaders (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets the raw (literal) SOAP headers. |
ReadSchema (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to use the option XmlReadMode.ReadSchema when reading the response into a DataSet. This setting is only applicable when resulttype has been set to DataTable. |
Recurse (ViewSource) Macro Parameter
Sets the recursion mode of a module. |
RecurseOnField (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns the name of the field that determines if a node can have children. |
RecurseOnValue (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns the value for the RecurseOnField for which children will be added. |
ReferencedTables (SqlQuery) Macro Parameter
Sets the referenced tables for AIM dependency checking. |
Rem Macro Parameter
Sets the remarks. Remarks have no effect on the actual execution of the module.They only improve the readability of the code. |
RememberMeField (Login) Macro Parameter
Sets the field the 'Remember Me' value is stored in. |
RemoveDuplicateNamespaces (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to remove duplicate namespaces from the Xml when outputting a string. Duplicate namespace declarations are not illegal, but superfluous, and cause the string representation of the Xml to be larger than needed. |
Render (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Set to false to suppress macro output. Useful in ajax callback scenarios where the box should not be rendered. Setting this value to false will trigger the default handling. |
Render Macro Parameter
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this PlaceHolder should render in place. |
ReplaceWith (Replace) Macro Parameter
Sets the string to use as replacement. |
ReplyTo (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the address(es) to reply the message to. |
Report (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the SMI report that is retrieved. |
ReportLength (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the report length. |
RequestHeaders (EmbedUri) Macro Parameter
Sets the request headers. |
ResizeMode (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the resize mode. |
ResolveExternalReferences (Transform) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to resolve external references. Defaults to true. |
ResolveIncludes (PdfDocument) Macro Parameter
Sets if includes in the html file should be resolved and placed inline. This option applies to css, javascript and images. |
ResultFormat Macro Parameter
Sets the resultformat. |
ResultType Macro Parameter
Sets the type of the result. |
Reverse (Parents) Macro Parameter
Set to true to display the parents in reverse order. |
Right (Join) Macro Parameter
Gets or sets the right SXMLDataTable to join. |
RootNode (ViewHierarchy) Macro Parameter
Dete |
Rotate (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the rotation angle in degrees. |
RotateBackColor (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the background color after a rotation has occurred. |
RowDelimiter Macro Parameter
Specifies the delimiter string that separates individual records. |
RowFilter (Filter) Macro Parameter
Sets the row filter. |
RowFormat Macro Parameter
Sets the formatting string. |
RowFormats (SmartletEditor) Macro Parameter
Sets a collection of extended row formats. |
RunMode (Region) Macro Parameter
Sets the moment at which the SXML code should be executed. |
Save Macro Parameter
Sets the buffer names. |
SchemaLocation (ShoppingCart) Macro Parameter
Sets the schema location for the ShoppingCart Xml. |
Scope (Buffer) Macro Parameter
Sets the scope of the buffer to get or set. |
Scope (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the scope for this report. |
ScopeType (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the scope's type. |
SearchBaseName Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the search base. |
SearchFor (Replace) Macro Parameter
Sets the string to search for. |
SearchGroup Macro Parameter
Sets the search group. |
SearchPattern (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets the search pattern(s) (semicolon separated) for searching files. Defaults to "*.*". |
SearchProfile Macro Parameter
Sets the search profile. |
SearchTerms (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData) Macro Parameter
Sets the search terms. |
SearchTerms (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData20) Macro Parameter
Sets the search terms. |
SearchWithin (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData) Macro Parameter
Sets the search within condition. |
SearchWithin (FacetedSearchPrepareInputData20) Macro Parameter
Sets the search within condition. |
SendTimeout (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets the send timeout (in seconds).When you need to set one of the other timeout values, use a binding configuration section and specify its name using the parameter BindingConfigurationName. |
Serial (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the serial for the payment attempt. Will be combined with the OrderId to have a unique identifier for multiple attempts. |
Server (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the SMTP server name to use. |
Settings (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets the settings to be passed to the Scf startup. |
Settings (SmartletPreset) Macro Parameter
Collection of parameters for the smartlet. |
ShowHidden (Parents) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to show hidden items. |
ShowHidden (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to show hidden items. |
ShowHidden (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to show hidden items. |
ShowHidden (XLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to show hidden items. |
ShowInactiveComments (ItemComments) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether or not to show inactive comments. |
ShowOwnInactive (ItemComments) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether or not to show inactive comments posted by the current user. |
SiblingOrder (Siblings) Macro Parameter
Comma separated list determining the order in which siblings will be returned. Accepted names are "First", "Back" or "Previous", "Next", "Last", "Parent" or "Up" and "Child" or "Down". Child/Down creates a link to the first child of a content folder. |
SitemapFileName (SearchEngineSitemap) Macro Parameter
Sets the file name of the sitemap files and sitemap index file that are generated. |
SiteName (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the SMI site as defined in the Smartsite.ManagementInformation.config file. |
Skip (NoAIM) Macro Parameter
AIM Suppression mode. |
SkipRows Macro Parameter
Specifies which row will be the first row in the output. |
Smartlet (SmartletPreset) Macro Parameter
The smartlet on which the current preset works. |
SoapAction (Webservice) Macro Parameter
The SoapAction HTTP header.When not specified, it defaults to MethodNamespace + MethodName. |
SortColumn (Filter) Macro Parameter
Sets the sort column. |
SortColumn (Join) Macro Parameter
The name of the column that determines the sorting order. Both input readers should contain
this column. Leave empty to append Right at the end of Left |
SortColumn (Sort) Macro Parameter
Sets the sort column. |
SortColumn Macro Parameter
Sets the sortcolumn used when formatting the result. |
Source (Json) Macro Parameter
Sets the source of the JSON object. |
Source (ShoppingCart) Macro Parameter
If specified, the shopping cart is loaded from the given source XML string. |
SourceCode (Code) Macro Parameter
Sets the inner data. |
SourceFields (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Sets or returns a comma separated list of fields that should also be selected. (e.g. to be displayed). |
Sources Macro Parameter
Sets the sources. |
Sql (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the sql query. |
Sql (SqlQuery) Macro Parameter
Sql statement to execute. |
StartItem (Parents) Macro Parameter
Item of which the parents will be listed. Defaults to Context.Item. |
StartItem (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Root item for the site map. |
StartupMode (Scf) Macro Parameter
Sets the startup mode. |
Status Macro Parameter
Gets a value indicating the ModuleStatus of this module. |
Step (For) Macro Parameter
Gets the step size used to walk through the for statement. |
StoreId (ShoppingCart) Macro Parameter
Sets the store id to use. |
Streaming Macro Parameter
Sets if this macro should stream the binary data to the output stream (which is faster and consumes less memory) or use the default SXML flow (which is slower). |
Style (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the style attribute of the image. |
Subject (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the subject of the mail message. |
SubmitCaption (Payment) Macro Parameter
Sets the caption for the submit button. |
TableName (Parents) Macro Parameter
Database table or view from which the parents will be selected. |
TableOrView (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Macro Parameter
Sets the (main) table or view for the search query. |
TableOrView (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Macro Parameter
Sets the (main) table or view for the search query. |
TagRelevanceMode (Tags) Macro Parameter
Sets the tag relevance mode. |
TargetId (PlaceholderData) Macro Parameter
Sets the target id of the placeholder to add data to. |
TaxGroups (ShoppingCart) Macro Parameter
Sets the tax groups. |
TaxIncluded (ShoppingCart) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether the shopping cart works with prices including tax. |
Template (Chart) Macro Parameter
Not in use. |
TemplateLocation (Chart) Macro Parameter
Not in use. |
Text (Link) Macro Parameter
Sets the text of the link. |
Then (If) Macro Parameter
The Then clause of the If constuct. |
Thesaurus (Tags) Macro Parameter
Sets the thesaurus code to use. |
Threshold (Tags) Macro Parameter
Sets the threshold of the usage count to display. |
Timeout Macro Parameter
Sets the timeout in seconds. In the overriden Execute() method, you can call CheckTimeout() to check whether execution has timed out. |
Title (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the title property for the image. |
Title (RSS) Macro Parameter
Sets the title of the RSS feed. |
To (For) Macro Parameter
Sets the index at which the loop should stop. |
To (SendMail) Macro Parameter
Sets the address(es) to send the message to. |
TopItem (Parents) Macro Parameter
Sets the highest item that should be displayed in the list of parents. If the StartItem is not a child of TopItem, the parameter will be ignored. |
TotalCount (Paging) Macro Parameter
Sets the total count. Use only when no input data is available. |
Transfer (CacheFile) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether existsing cache should be transferred on execution. |
Trim Macro Parameter
Gets a value indicating how the whitespace is trimmed. |
UnitCount (Lorem) Macro Parameter
Sets the number of units that should be written. |
UnitType (Lorem) Macro Parameter
Sets the type of the unit. |
Until (SmiData) Macro Parameter
Sets the until date. |
Url (Webservice) Macro Parameter
The url of the webservice. |
Urls (SearchEngineSitemap) Macro Parameter
Sets the definition of the url list that will be generated by this macro. |
UseCompression (SearchEngineSitemap) Macro Parameter
Sets if the generated files should be compressed or not. |
UseFallbackImage (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to use a fallback image if the given location proves to be invalid. |
UsePostData Macro Parameter
Pass posted form data to the embedded page. |
UsePreparser (SqlQuery) Macro Parameter
Sets if the preparser will be used when the query is executed. |
UserAgentDependent (Cache) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether the cache should be user-agent dependent (default: false). |
UseRegExp (Replace) Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to use regular expressions. |
UserName (CmsUpdate) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the user to connect to the CMS web service. |
UserName (EmbedUri) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the user for the embedded request. |
UserName (FeedReader) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the user to use for feed retrieval. |
UserName (Impersonate) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the user. |
UserName (SearchEngineSitemap) Macro Parameter
Sets the user account that is used to access files and render pages. |
UserName (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Sets the name of the user.Only needed when the webservice is restricted by means of basic http authentication. |
UseSandbox Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to run the embed in a sandbox. |
UseXmlDates (Json) Macro Parameter
Determines how the Json object serializes dates. If true, an Xml DateTime literal is used, otherwise a JavaScript new Date constructor is used. |
Value (Expression) Macro Parameter
Sets the expression. |
Value (Locale) Macro Parameter
Sets the inner Xml of the Container module |
Value (PlaceholderData) Macro Parameter
Sets the value to be added to the targeted placeholder. May also contain a collection element to set multiple columns. |
Value (Text) Macro Parameter
Sets the value of the text macro. |
Values (CmsUpdate) Macro Parameter
Sets the values to be saved. |
View (SiteMap) Macro Parameter
Sets the database view from which the site map is created. Defaults to the channel active view. |
Whitespace Macro Parameter
Gets a value indicating whether to preserve whitespace. |
Width (Image) Macro Parameter
Sets the image width. |
Width (ImageFromHtml) Macro Parameter
Sets the web page width. Defaults to 1600. Set to 0 for auto-detect. |
Width (SmartletBox) Macro Parameter
Width style property of the box. Will be applied to the outer div of the box. |
WriteFileProperties (SyncFileLinks) Macro Parameter
Sets if generic file properties should be written to the xml. |
WriteResponseHeaders Macro Parameter
Sets a value indicating whether to write response headers. |
WriteTypeAttributes (Webservice) Macro Parameter
Determines if type-information (e.g. xsi:type= 'xsd:int') should be included on the argument(s). Defaults to true. |
Xml (Application) Macro Parameter
Sets the Xml of this module. |
Xml (If) Macro Parameter
Sets the XML. |
Xml (Rem) Macro Parameter
Sets the XML. |
Xml (ShoppingCart) Macro Parameter
Sets the SXML to execute. Optional. |
Xml (Smartlet) Macro Parameter
Sets the inner Xml of the Smartlet module. |
Xml (SmartletNoScript) Macro Parameter
Sets the SXML to execute in a non-scripting environment. |
Xml (Switch) Macro Parameter
Sets the XML. |
Xml (Transform) Macro Parameter
Sets the xml. |
Xml (XmlDataTable) Macro Parameter
Passes the rows and column as an xml block. |
Xml (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Sets the XML. |
Xml Macro Parameter
Sets the XML. |
XmlData (XmlProcessor) Macro Parameter
Gets the XML object. |
XmlLocation (Transform) Macro Parameter
Sets the location where the xml can be found. |
XmlVersion (XHtmlPage) Macro Parameter
Sets the XML version. |
Xslt (Transform) Macro Parameter
Sets the xslt. |
XsltLocation (Transform) Macro Parameter
Sets the location where the Xslt can be found. |