Placeholder Example

With help of a SQLQuery macro, a list of all items in the contents table is created. This list is grouped by contenttype. A Placeholder macro is used to create a container. This container is filled when formatting the rows of the sqlquery macro. The placeholder is formatted as a list of all contenttypes with the amount of items of that contenttype. This result is displayed as a list of hyperlinks with bookmarks, directing to the right place within the formatted result of the sqlquery macro.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:placeholder id="facettedlist" sortcolumn="contenttype">
        <se:parameter name="fieldnames">
        <se:parameter name="format">
            <se:groupformat groupby="this.field(contenttype)">
                    <a href="{url.setbookmark(,this.buffer.get(contenttypecode))}">
                        {} ({this.buffer.get(rowcount)})
        <se:parameter name="resultformat">
            <a name="top"></a>
        <se:parameter name="sql">
            SELECT c.Nr, c.Title, c.Description, ct.Name, ct.Code
            FROM vwContent c
            JOIN Contenttypes ct ON c.Contenttype=ct.Nr
            ORDER BY ct.Name    
        <se:parameter name="format">
                    <td>{this.field(description,default='no description')}</td>
            <se:groupformat groupby="this.field(name)">
                <h3><a name="{this.buffer.get(ctcode)}"></a>{}</h3>
                        <col width="200px"></col>
                <a href="{url.setbookmark(,top)}">Back to top</a>
        <se:parameter name="resultformat">