Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:image location="LEANINGTOWEROFPISA">
        <se:parameter name="alttext">Text describing the image.</se:parameter>
        <se:parameter name="classname">myimageclass</se:parameter>
        <se:parameter name="imageid">myimage</se:parameter>
        <se:parameter name="onclick">alert('yeah');</se:parameter>
        <se:parameter name="resultformat">
            <img src="{this.result()}" alt="{this.alttext()}" /><br />
            This image has the following properties:
                <li>AltText = {this.alttext()}</li>
                <li>Classname = {this.classname()}</li>
                <li>Imageid = {this.imageid()}</li>
                <li>Onclick = {this.onclick()}</li>
                <li>Output colordepth = {this.outputcolordepth()}</li>
                <li>Output command order = {this.outputcommandorder()}</li>
                <li>Output filesize = {this.outputfilesize()}</li>
                <li>Output filetype = {this.outputfiletype()}</li>
                <li>Output framecount = {this.outputframecount()}</li>
                <li>Output height = {this.outputheight()}</li>
                <li>Output location = {this.outputlocation()}</li>
                <li>Output resolution unit = {this.outputresolutionunit()}</li>
                <li>Output resolution x = {this.outputresolutionx()}</li>
                <li>Output resolution y = {this.outputresolutiony()}</li>
                <li>Output style = {this.outputstyle()}</li>
                <li>Output width = {this.outputwidth()}</li>
Example Result CopyCode image Copy Code
<img src="/" alt="Text describing the image." /><br />
            This image has the following properties:
                <li>AltText = Text describing the image.</li>
                <li>Classname = myimageclass</li>
                <li>Imageid = myimage</li>
                <li>Onclick = alert('yeah');</li>
                <li>Output colordepth = 24</li>
                <li>Output command order = CropRotateScaleMirrorFirst</li>
                <li>Output filesize = 140416</li>
                <li>Output filetype = jpg</li>
                <li>Output framecount = 1</li>
                <li>Output height = 1024</li>
                <li>Output location = /</li>
                <li>Output resolution unit = DotsPerInch</li>
                <li>Output resolution x = 314</li>
                <li>Output resolution y = 314</li>
                <li>Output style = width:768px;height:1024px</li>
                <li>Output width = 768</li>