String Replace Example

The following example demonstrates the various usage scenario's for replacing (parts of) string data.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
{string.replace('to be or not to be','to ')} => be or not be

{string.replace('to be or not to be','to', 'from')} => from be or not from be

{string.replace('to be or not to be','to', 'from', None)} => from be or not from be

{string.replace('to be or not to be','To', 'from', false)} => to be or not to be

{string.replace('to be or not to be','To', 'from', CaseInsensitive)} => from be or not from be

{string.replace('to be or not to be','To', 'from', true)} => from be or not from be
Example Result CopyCode image Copy Code
be or not be => be or not be

from be or not from be => from be or not from be

from be or not from be => from be or not from be

to be or not to be => to be or not to be

from be or not from be => from be or not from be

from be or not from be => from be or not from be