Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:placeholder id="Persons" fieldnames="FirstName,LastName" render="false" />

<se:xmldatatable save="customers" resulttype="datatable">
        <se:col name="FirstName">Donald</se:col><se:col name="LastName">Duck</se:col>

Fill the placeholder with data from a datatable.
{placeholder.append(Persons, customers)}
Rows: {datatable.rows.count(}

Clear the table.
{buffer.set(mytable, datatable.clone(}
Rows: {datatable.rows.count(}

Repopulate the placeholder with the datatable.
{placeholder.append(Persons, $mytable)}
Rows: {datatable.rows.count(}

Delete Mickey Mouse
{placeholder.delete(Persons, "LastName='Mouse'")}
Rows: {datatable.rows.count(}

Delete the first row
{placeholder.delete(Persons, 1)}
Rows: {datatable.rows.count(}
Example Result CopyCode image Copy Code
Fill the placeholder with data from a datatable.

Rows: 2

Clear the table.

Rows: 0

Repopulate the placeholder with the datatable.

Rows: 2

Delete Mickey Mouse
Rows: 1

Delete the first row
Rows: 0