Adds an audit object to an existing audit event.


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audit.addobject(T:System.Int64 auditEventNr, string objectTypeName, string objectIdentifier, string auditTypeCode)
audit.addobject(T:System.Int64 auditEventNr, string objectTypeCode, string objectIdentifier, string auditTypeCode, any[ ] arguments)


Name Data Type Description
auditEventNr T:System.Int64 I: Audit event number.
objectTypeName String I: Object type, as a database object name, for example "Contents" or "AllUsers". All database object names are allowed, including table names and view names. Object type names are compared case insensitive.
objectIdentifier String I: Identifier. The string must represent a guid, for example "{2F8F613F-2CFE-4BD4-9B6B-198E1D5D6CFC}". Accepted formats include an identifier without { and }, and/or without dashes. The identifier is case insensitive.
auditTypeCode String I: Audit type, by means of a type code that must exist in the audit types table.
objectTypeCode String I: Object type code, for example "CONTENT_VERSIONS", as found in the table with audit object types.
arguments Any[ ] I: Arguments, or null if none. The number of arguments must match the number of arguments as expected by the format string for the this audit type. The argument must be one of the supported types, for example int or string.

Return Value
