Returns an sql snippet that can be added to the where clause of a query using the given alias for a contents view to exclude items that the current user does not have access to.


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string security.contentaccess.getaccessiblewhere(string alias, string minimumAccessTypeLevel)
string security.contentaccess.getaccessiblewhere(string alias, string minimumAccessTypeLevel, boolean useCurrentRole)
string security.contentaccess.getaccessiblewhere(string loginName, string channelCode, string minimumAccessTypeLevel)
string security.contentaccess.getaccessiblewhere(string loginName, string channelCode, string minimumAccessTypeLevel, boolean useCurrentRole)
string security.contentaccess.getaccessiblewhere(string alias, string levelParamName, string userParamName, string roleParamName, string typeParamName)
string security.contentaccess.getaccessiblewhere(string minimumAccessTypeLevel)
string security.contentaccess.getaccessiblewhere(string minimumAccessTypeLevel, boolean useCurrentRole)


Name Data Type Description
alias String The alias used in the query to represent the contents view.
minimumAccessTypeLevel String The minimum access type level by name.
useCurrentRole Boolean If set to true take the user's current role into account.
loginName String The login name of the user.
channelCode String The channel code.
levelParamName String Name of the level parameter.
userParamName String Name of the user parameter.
roleParamName String Name of the role parameter. Leave empty to ignore role.
typeParamName String Name of the access type parameter.

Return Value

Data Type Description
String An sql clause

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