Adding Items to XLinks Dynamically

Release 1.0 - ...

The XLinks macro supports the datatable resulttype, so if we want to add data to it dynamically, we'll have to save it as a datatable, add data to it using the datatable methods, and then display it:

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:xlinks parent="2" resulttype="datatable" save="page:x" /> <!-- load links -->
 <se:pagetranslations id="links" whitespace="remove"> <!-- helper translations -->
   <se:member name="add(nr, title)"> <!-- define smart 'add' function -->
     {buffer.set(nr, translation.arg(1))}
     {datatable.add(page.buffer.get(x), $nr, 
      cms.getitemcode($nr, default=sys.throwexception('InvalidArgument', 
      'Item number not found while adding to links')), translation.arg(2, default=itemdata.rawfield(title, $nr)))}
 <!-- add links to existing list -->
<se:format inputdata="{datatable.sort(page.buffer.get(x), 'Title')}"> <!-- format links -->
  <li><a href="{this.location()}">{}</a></li>