SmiData GetFirstDayOfWeek

This example shows you how get the first day of the week for reports of the given Smi site. The first day of the week can be configured in the reporting section of SmiServer.exe.config. Note that in this particular example, the attribute "firstdayofweek" has been set to "locale" which means that the first day of the week depends on the locale of the user.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:locale culture="en-us">
    First day of the week: {locale.weekdayname(smidata.getfirstdayofweek(ixcs))}
<se:locale culture="nl-nl">
    Eerste dag van de week: {locale.weekdayname(smidata.getfirstdayofweek(ixcs))}
Example Result CopyCode image Copy Code
First day of the week: Sunday

    Eerste dag van de week: maandag