XPath 2.0 extension functions
Smartsite 7.2 - ...
Although .NET only supports XPath 1.0, our XForms engine has been extended to support a great number of XPath 2.0 functions.
XPath 2.0
The XPath 2.0 extension functions are available within the namespace http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions.
Usually, the fn namespace prefix is declared and used for this namespace.
Accessor functions
- fn:node-name()
- fn:nilled()
- fn:string()
- fn:base-uri()
Functions on numerics
- fn:abs()
- fn:ceiling()
- fn:floor()
- fn:round()
- fn:round-half-to-even()
Functions on strings
- fn:compare()
- fn:concat()
- fn:string-join()
- fn:substring()
- fn:string-length()
- fn:normalize-space()
- fn:normalize-unicode()
- fn:upper-case()
- fn:lower-case()
Functions based on substring matching
- fn:contains()
- fn:starts-with()
- fn:ends-with()
- fn:substring-before()
- fn:substring-after()
String functions that use regular expressions
- fn:matches()
- fn:replace()
Functions related to QNames
- fn:resolve-QName()
- fn:QName()
- fn:prefix-from-QName()
- fn:local-name-from-QName()
- fn:namespace-uri-from-QName()
- fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix()
Functions on nodes
- fn:name()
- fn:local-name()
- fn:namespace-uri()
- The abs() function
- The ceiling() function
- The codepoint-equal() function
- The compare() function
- The concat() function
- The contains() function
- The current-date() function
- The current-dateTime() function
- The current-time() function
- The ends-with() function
- The floor() function
- The local-name() function
- The lower-case() function
- The matches() function
- The name() function
- The namespace-uri() function
- The nilled() function
- The node-name() function
- The normalize-space() function
- The normalize-unicode() function
- The replace() function
- The round() function
- The round-half-to-even() function
- The starts-with() function
- The string() function
- The string-join() function
- The string-length() function
- The substring() function
- The substring-after() function
- The substring-before() function
- The upper-case() function