Extension functions
Release 2.0 - ...
LikeĀ XForms implementations from other vendors, the Smartsite XForms implementationĀ supports various extension functions.
exforms namespace
The extension functions available within the exforms namespace (http://www.exforms.org/exf/1-0) are:
- relevant()
- readonly()
- required()
Smartsite namespace
The extension functions available within the Smartsite namespace (http://smartsite.nl/namespaces/xforms/1.0) are:
- valid()
- union()
- context()
- sort()
- filterbyproperty()
- label()
- alert()
- hint()
- help()
- elftest()
- validateiban()
- schema-valid()
- constraint-valid()
- required-valid()
- istouched()
- string-format()
- string-ifempty()
- string-indexof()
- string-lastindexof()
- string-pad()
- string-repeat()
- string-enclose()
- string-urlencode()
- string-urldecode()
- string-htmlencode()
- string-htmldecode()
- string-htmlattributeencode()
- loadurl()
For convenience, all the extension functions from the exforms namespace are also available within the Smartsite namespace.
- The alert() function
- The constraint-valid() function
- The elftest() function
- The filterbyproperty() function
- The format-datetime() function
- The formatpostcodelong() function
- The formatpostcodeshort() function
- The formattelnr() function
- The help() function
- The hint() function
- The label() function
- The loadurl() function
- The queryxmlstring() function
- The readonly() function
- The relevant() function
- The required() function
- The required-valid() function
- The schema-valid() function
- The sort() function
- The string-enclose() function
- The string-format() function
- The string-htmlattributeencode() function
- The string-htmldecode() function
- The string-htmlencode() function
- The string-ifempty() function
- The string-indexof() function
- The string-lastindexof() function
- The string-pad() function
- The string-repeat() function
- The string-trim() function
- The string-urldecode() function
- The string-urlencode() function
- The union() function
- The valid() function
- The validateiban() function