Output Encoding

Release 1.0 - ...

The output encoding is usually defined by the xhtmlpage or htmlpage macro's located in a rendertemplate. The module parameter encoding specifies the actual encoding that is used for the entire response. Next to the parameter, the extension vipers getencoding and setencoding allows for modifying the output encoding anywhere in the SXML hierarchy.

When not specified the output encoding defaults to utf-8.

Supported Encodings

The encodings supported by iXperion are based on the encodings supported by .NET. The complete list of supported encodings:

  Encoding Description
1 ASMO-708 Arabic (ASMO 708)
2 big5 Chinese Traditional (Big5)
3 cp1025 IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Serbian-Bulgarian)
4 cp866 Cyrillic (DOS)
5 cp875 IBM EBCDIC (Greek Modern)
6 csISO2022JP Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana)
7 DOS-720 Arabic (DOS)
8 DOS-862 Hebrew (DOS)
9 EUC-CN Chinese Simplified (EUC)
10 euc-jp Japanese (EUC)
11 EUC-JP Japanese (JIS 0208-1990 and 0212-1990)
12 euc-kr Korean (EUC)
13 GB18030 Chinese Simplified (GB18030)
14 gb2312 Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
15 hz-gb-2312 Chinese Simplified (HZ)
16 IBM00858 OEM Multilingual Latin I
17 IBM00924 IBM Latin-1
18 IBM01047 IBM Latin-1
19 IBM01140 IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada-Euro)
20 IBM01141 IBM EBCDIC (Germany-Euro)
21 IBM01142 IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway-Euro)
22 IBM01143 IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro)
23 IBM01144 IBM EBCDIC (Italy-Euro)
24 IBM01145 IBM EBCDIC (Spain-Euro)
25 IBM01146 IBM EBCDIC (UK-Euro)
26 IBM01147 IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro)
27 IBM01148 IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro)
28 IBM01149 IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic-Euro)
29 IBM037 IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada)
30 IBM1026 IBM EBCDIC (Turkish Latin-5)
31 IBM273 IBM EBCDIC (Germany)
32 IBM277 IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway)
33 IBM278 IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden)
34 IBM280 IBM EBCDIC (Italy)
35 IBM284 IBM EBCDIC (Spain)
37 IBM290 IBM EBCDIC (Japanese katakana)
38 IBM297 IBM EBCDIC (France)
39 IBM420 IBM EBCDIC (Arabic)
40 IBM423 IBM EBCDIC (Greek)
41 IBM424 IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew)
42 IBM437 OEM United States
43 IBM500 IBM EBCDIC (International)
44 ibm737 Greek (DOS)
45 ibm775 Baltic (DOS)
46 ibm850 Western European (DOS)
47 ibm852 Central European (DOS)
48 IBM855 OEM Cyrillic
49 ibm857 Turkish (DOS)
50 IBM860 Portuguese (DOS)
51 ibm861 Icelandic (DOS)
52 IBM863 French Canadian (DOS)
53 IBM864 Arabic (864)
54 IBM865 Nordic (DOS)
55 ibm869 Greek, Modern (DOS)
56 IBM870 IBM EBCDIC (Multilingual Latin-2)
57 IBM871 IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic)
58 IBM880 IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Russian)
59 IBM905 IBM EBCDIC (Turkish)
60 IBM-Thai IBM EBCDIC (Thai)
61 iso-2022-jp Japanese (JIS)
62 iso-2022-jp Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana - SO/SI)
63 iso-2022-kr Korean (ISO)
64 iso-8859-1 Western European (ISO)
65 iso-8859-13 Estonian (ISO)
66 iso-8859-15 Latin 9 (ISO)
67 iso-8859-2 Central European (ISO)
68 iso-8859-3 Latin 3 (ISO)
69 iso-8859-4 Baltic (ISO)
70 iso-8859-5 Cyrillic (ISO)
71 iso-8859-6 Arabic (ISO)
72 iso-8859-7 Greek (ISO)
73 iso-8859-8 Hebrew (ISO-Visual)
74 iso-8859-8-i Hebrew (ISO-Logical)
75 iso-8859-9 Turkish (ISO)
76 Johab Korean (Johab)
77 koi8-r Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
78 koi8-u Cyrillic (KOI8-U)
79 ks_c_5601-1987 Korean
80 macintosh Western European (Mac)
81 shift_jis Japanese (Shift-JIS)
82 unicodeFFFE Unicode (Big-Endian)
83 us-ascii US-ASCII
84 utf-16 Unicode
85 utf-32 Unicode (UTF-32)
86 utf-32BE Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian)
87 utf-7 Unicode (UTF-7)
88 utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8)
89 windows-1250 Central European (Windows)
90 windows-1251 Cyrillic (Windows)
91 Windows-1252 Western European (Windows)
92 windows-1253 Greek (Windows)
93 windows-1254 Turkish (Windows)
94 windows-1255 Hebrew (Windows)
95 windows-1256 Arabic (Windows)
96 windows-1257 Baltic (Windows)
97 windows-1258 Vietnamese (Windows)
98 windows-874 Thai (Windows)
99 x-Chinese-CNS Chinese Traditional (CNS)
100 x-Chinese-Eten Chinese Traditional (Eten)
101 x-cp20001 TCA Taiwan
102 x-cp20003 IBM5550 Taiwan
103 x-cp20004 TeleText Taiwan
104 x-cp20005 Wang Taiwan
105 x-cp20261 T.61
106 x-cp20269 ISO-6937
107 x-cp20936 Chinese Simplified (GB2312-80)
108 x-cp20949 Korean Wansung
109 x-cp50227 Chinese Simplified (ISO-2022)
110 x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended IBM EBCDIC (Korean Extended)
111 x-Europa Europa
112 x-IA5 Western European (IA5)
113 x-IA5-German German (IA5)
114 x-IA5-Norwegian Norwegian (IA5)
115 x-IA5-Swedish Swedish (IA5)
116 x-iscii-as ISCII Assamese
117 x-iscii-be ISCII Bengali
118 x-iscii-de ISCII Devanagari
119 x-iscii-gu ISCII Gujarati
120 x-iscii-ka ISCII Kannada
121 x-iscii-ma ISCII Malayalam
122 x-iscii-or ISCII Oriya
123 x-iscii-pa ISCII Punjabi
124 x-iscii-ta ISCII Tamil
125 x-iscii-te ISCII Telugu
126 x-mac-arabic Arabic (Mac)
127 x-mac-ce Central European (Mac)
128 x-mac-chinesesimp Chinese Simplified (Mac)
129 x-mac-chinesetrad Chinese Traditional (Mac)
130 x-mac-croatian Croatian (Mac)
131 x-mac-cyrillic Cyrillic (Mac)
132 x-mac-greek Greek (Mac)
133 x-mac-hebrew Hebrew (Mac)
134 x-mac-icelandic Icelandic (Mac)
135 x-mac-japanese Japanese (Mac)
136 x-mac-korean Korean (Mac)
137 x-mac-romanian Romanian (Mac)
138 x-mac-thai Thai (Mac)
139 x-mac-turkish Turkish (Mac)
140 x-mac-ukrainian Ukrainian (Mac)