Create datatable and cache it, saving the key for later use...
Set resulttype to "none" to suppress output.
<se:cache save="key = this.getcachekey()" resulttype="none" maxage="00:05">
<se:sqlquery resulttype="datatable">
<se:parameter name="sql">
select top 5 c.nr, c.title, u.fullname from
{channel.view()} c join vwUsers u
on c.userid=u.nr
where c.nr in (SELECT nr FROM dbo.fn_RecurseChildren(2,0))
order by c.nr
Now, use the cached datatable as inputdata for Xlinks..
<se:xlinks inputdata="key" trim="both">
<se:parameter name="rowformat">
<li>{this.field(title)} - {this.field(fullname)}</li>{char.crlf()}
<se:parameter name="resultformat">