Code Macro Example

Using the code macro, you can create compiled executable .NET code directly from SXML. In the source code you need to define a .NET class deriving from Smartsite.Core.Module and provide an implementation for the Execute method in order to do something usefull. The se:code macro supports C# (= default), Visual Basic.NET, JScript 8.0 and Visual J# (the java language for .NET).

The se:code macro does not provide a security model, the source code has access to all resources on a machine. A more sandboxed model is being considered.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
{buffer.set(myvalue, 12345)}
<se:code error="{this.error.message()}">
    using System;
    using Smartsite.Core;
    using Smartsite.Tools;
    public class Class1: Module{
        public override void Execute(){
            Result.AppendLine("Hello C# world!");
            Result.AppendLine("My value=" + Context.Buffers["myvalue"]);


<se:code language="VB" error="{this.error.message()}">
Public Class Class1
    Inherits Smartsite.Core.Module

    Public Overrides Sub Execute()
        Result.AppendLine("Hello VB World!")
        Result.AppendLine("My value=" & Context.Buffers("myvalue"))
    End Sub

End Class
Example Result CopyCode image Copy Code
Hello C# world!
My value=12345

<hr />

Hello VB World!
My value=12345