
Smartsite 7 - ...

Here you can find your profile information, edit your profile, change password, switch from roles and log off. You have to close all the tabs before switching from roles. When you click on log off, you will be redirected to the login screen.


Edit your profile

Click on edit profile to edit your profile. Here you can edit your full name, E-mail, profile picture, language and default channel. To edit your profile picture, click on select file, choose a new profile image from your computer or drag an image to the drag and drop field below.
To edit your profile picture, click on edit image. Here are tools to rotate, flip, crop and resize the image. There are also four tools to change the colour of the image.
You can also choose to have no profile picture, click on remove file to remove your profile picture.
To change the language of the manager, choose between Dutch and English.
It is not required to choose a Default channel. If you want to have a default channel, click on one of the channels to make it your default channel.
When you are done with editing your profile, click on save to save your profile.
Click on reset to reset your profile to the last saved version.

Edit profile

Change password

Click on change password to change your password. To change your current password, you have to fill in your current password, then you have to choose a new password and confirm your password change with filling in your new password.
The password must contain 1 number, 1 capital letter and it must have a minimum of 6 characters.
Click on save to save your new password. From then you can log in with your new password.

Change password