
Smartsite 7 - ...

This is the app section, here you can manage the content, users and much more. Not every app is available for every role. Every role has its set of apps which they are allowed to use. This can only be changed by an administrator.


Nr. Description
1 Here you can add a specific item to a folder.
2 This is a big list of all the content that had been added. Here you can see, manage, delete and add content.
3 This is a gallery with all the media that had been added.
4 External references to files and websites, which are used by content items.
5 Here you find all the content types, you can add, delete, duplicate and edit these.
6 Here you can see all the items that are in use by another user.
7 Here you can assign articles to an individual or group for approval.
8 Here you can manage all the users. You can add, delete, edit, duplicate, enable or disable an account.
9 Here you can manage all the usergroups. You can add, delete, edit or duplicate a usergroup.
10 Here you can manage the userroles. You can add, delete, edit or duplicate a userrole.
11 Here you can manage the user action. You can add, delete, edit or duplicate a user action.
12 Here you can manage the content relation types. You can add, delete or edit content relation types. 
13 Here you can manage the filetypes. You can delete, edit or add a filetype. 
14 Here you can see the received notifications. You can edit or delete these. Or mark them as read or unread. 
15 Here you can subscribe to receive notifications from certain types. 
16 Here you can execute queries. Not all queries are allowed. 
17 Here you can clear the cache, restart the manager, clear memory cache, clear disk cache or restart the public server.   
18 This tool will perform an analysis on your site to test if the Content Types are compatible with Smartsite 7.
19 Here you can go to the feedback section and give us feedback about our product. 
20 Here you can manage the order of the apps.
