The string-format() function
The string-format() extension function replaces the format item(s) in a specified string with the string representation of the specified object(s).
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string exf:string-format(arg1, arg2, ...) |
- arg1: a node reference or string literal.
- arg2, ... : one or more arguments (format item(s)), each of them a node reference or a string literal
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<html xmlns="" xmlns:xf="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:exf="" xmlns:cst=""> <head> <title>Address Form</title> <xf:model> <xf:instance> <a:data> <a:number>1234.5789</a:number> <a:number2 xsi:type="xsd:double">98765.4321</a:number2> <a:postcode>2628 XG</a:postcode> <a:text1>Tekst 1</a:text1> <a:text2>Tekst 2</a:text2> <a:text3>Tekst 3</a:text3> <a:stringformat lang="en">Formatted number: {0:#,##0.000}</a:stringformat> <a:stringformat lang="nl">Geformatteerd nummer: {0:#,##0.000}</a:stringformat> <a:amountuntyped>120.49</a:amountuntyped> <a:amount xsi:type="xsd:double">120.49</a:amount> <a:amount2>153.42</a:amount2> <a:date xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2014-04-30T10:34:00.000</a:date> </a:data> </xf:instance> <xf:submission id="save" method="post" action="/" replace="all" serialization="application/xml"> </xf:submission> <xf:bind nodeset="a:amount2" type="xsd:double" /> </xf:model> </head> <body> <xf:group ref="/a:data" appearance="full"> <xf:label /> <xf:group xml:lang="en-US"> <xf:label>String-format examples (en-US)</xf:label> <em>Literals</em> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (custom): {0:#,##0}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (custom): {0:#,##0.0}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (custom): {0:#,##0.00}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (custom): {0:#,##0.000}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (custom): {0:#,##0.0000}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (E): {0:E}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (N): {0:N}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (P): {0:P}', 0.32)" /> <br /> <em>Nodes</em> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Zip code: {0}', a:postcode)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Multiple arguments: {0}-{1}-{2}', 1, 2, 3)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Multiple arguments: {0}, {1}, {2}', a:text1, a:text2, a:text3)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (custom): {0:#,##0}', number(a:number))" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (custom): {0:#,##0}', a:number2)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format(string(a:stringformat[@lang='en']), number(a:number))" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (E): {0:E}', number(a:number))" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Formatted number (E): {0:E}', a:number2)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Amount (C): {0:C}', number(a:amountuntyped))" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Amount (C): {0:C}', a:amount)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Amount (C): {0:C}', a:amount2)" /> <br /> <em>Date/time</em> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Short date pattern (d): {0:d}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Long date pattern (D): {0:D}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Full date/time pattern (short time) (f): {0:f}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Full date/time pattern (long time)(F): {0:F}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('General date/time pattern (short time) (g): {0:g}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('General date/time pattern (long time) (G): {0:G}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Month/day pattern (M): {0:M}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Year pattern (Y): {0:Y}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('RFC1123 pattern (R): {0:R}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Short time pattern (t): {0:t}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Long time pattern (T): {0:T}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Universal sortable date/time pattern (u): {0:u}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Universal full date/time pattern (U): {0:U}', a:date)" /> </xf:group> <br /> <xf:group xml:lang="nl-nl"> <xf:label>String-format examples (nl-nl)</xf:label> <em>Literals</em> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (custom): {0:#,##0}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (custom): {0:#,##0.0}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (custom): {0:#,##0.00}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (custom): {0:#,##0.000}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (custom): {0:#,##0.0000}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (E): {0:E}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (N): {0:N}', 1234.56789)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (P): {0:P}', 0.32)" /> <br /> <em>Nodes</em> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Postcode: {0}', a:postcode)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Meerdere argumenten: {0}-{1}-{2}', 1, 2, 3)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Meerdere argumenten: {0}, {1}, {2}', a:text1, a:text2, a:text3)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (custom): {0:#,##0}', number(a:number))" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (custom): {0:#,##0}', a:number2)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format(string(a:stringformat[@lang='nl']), number(a:number))" />\ <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (E): {0:E}', number(a:number))" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Geformatteerd nummer (E): {0:E}', a:number2)" /> <br /> <em>Date/time</em> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Short date pattern (d): {0:d}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Long date pattern (D): {0:D}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Full date/time pattern (short time) (f): {0:f}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Full date/time pattern (long time) (F): {0:F}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('General date/time pattern (short time) (g): {0:g}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('General date/time pattern (long time) (G): {0:G}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Month/day pattern (M): {0:M}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Year pattern (Y): {0:Y}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('RFC1123 pattern (R): {0:R}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Short time pattern (t): {0:t}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Long time pattern (T): {0:T}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Universal sortable date/time pattern (u): {0:u}', a:date)" /> <xf:output value="exf:string-format('Universal full date/time pattern (U): {0:U}', a:date)" /> </xf:group> </xf:group> </body> </html> |
The result will be:
String-format examples (en-US)
Formatted number (custom): 1,235
Formatted number (custom): 1,234.6
Formatted number (custom): 1,234.57
Formatted number (custom): 1,234.568
Formatted number (custom): 1,234.5679
Formatted number (E): 1.234568E+003
Formatted number (N): 1,234.57
Formatted number (P): 32.00 %
Zip code: 2628 XG
Multiple arguments: 1-2-3
Multiple arguments: Tekst 1, Tekst 2, Tekst 3
Formatted number (custom): 1,235
Formatted number (custom): 98,765
Formatted number: 1,234.579
Formatted number (E): 1.234579E+003
Formatted number (E): 9.876543E+004
Amount (C): $120.49
Amount (C): $120.49
Amount (C): $153.42
Short date pattern (d): 4/30/2014
Long date pattern (D): Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Full date/time pattern (short time) (f): Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:34 AM
Full date/time pattern (long time)(F): Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:34:00 AM
General date/time pattern (short time) (g): 4/30/2014 10:34 AM
General date/time pattern (long time) (G): 4/30/2014 10:34:00 AM
Month/day pattern (M): April 30
Year pattern (Y): April 2014
RFC1123 pattern (R): Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:34:00 GMT
Short time pattern (t): 10:34 AM
Long time pattern (T): 10:34:00 AM
Universal sortable date/time pattern (u): 2014-04-30 10:34:00Z
Universal full date/time pattern (U): Wednesday, April 30, 2014 8:34:00 AM
String-format examples (nl-nl)
Geformatteerd nummer (custom): 1.235
Geformatteerd nummer (custom): 1.234,6
Geformatteerd nummer (custom): 1.234,57
Geformatteerd nummer (custom): 1.234,568
Geformatteerd nummer (custom): 1.234,5679
Geformatteerd nummer (E): 1,234568E+003
Geformatteerd nummer (N): 1.234,57
Geformatteerd nummer (P): 32,00 %
Postcode: 2628 XG
Meerdere argumenten: 1-2-3
Meerdere argumenten: Tekst 1, Tekst 2, Tekst 3
Geformatteerd nummer (custom): 1.235
Geformatteerd nummer (custom): 98.765
Geformatteerd nummer: 1.234,579
Geformatteerd nummer (E): 1,234579E+003
Geformatteerd nummer (E): 9,876543E+004
Short date pattern (d): 30-4-2014
Long date pattern (D): woensdag 30 april 2014
Full date/time pattern (short time) (f): woensdag 30 april 2014 10:34
Full date/time pattern (long time) (F): woensdag 30 april 2014 10:34:00
General date/time pattern (short time) (g): 30-4-2014 10:34
General date/time pattern (long time) (G): 30-4-2014 10:34:00
Month/day pattern (M): 30 april
Year pattern (Y): april 2014
RFC1123 pattern (R): Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:34:00 GMT
Short time pattern (t): 10:34
Long time pattern (T): 10:34:00
Universal sortable date/time pattern (u): 2014-04-30 10:34:00Z
Universal full date/time pattern (U): woensdag 30 april 2014 08:34:00
This function is available within the Smartsite XForms namespace (