TestSuite command line arguments

Release 1.0 - ...

The TestSuite supports the following command line arguments:

/s:<site folder>

Root path of the site to start.


  CopyCode image Copy Code
TestSuite.exe /s:c:\sites\emptysix\


  • 0: Start as Test Server
    The address as configured in the options dialog of the TestSuite will be used
    The WCF services will not start. Instead, the TestSuite will register itself with the Event Subscription Service to be notified of any CMS changes.
    Use this setting if the site is running in IIS so the Publication Server address is in use.
  • 1: Start as Publication Server
    The TestSuite will start at the Publication Server address as configured in the Smartsite.config (ServerAddress).
    Use this setting if IIS is not running the site and you wish to use the TestSuite for debugging purposes and use the CMS Control Panel (Smartserver) for the backend.


  CopyCode image Copy Code
TestSuite.exe /p:1 /s:c:\sites\emptysix\


Base url to use (running as Test Server)


  CopyCode image Copy Code
TestSuite.exe /s:c:\sites\emptysix\ /u:http://localhost:845/

/n:<site name> (1.2+)

Site name of the site (as defined in the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smartsite Software\Smartsite\Sites') to start.

Use instead of /s:<site folder> switch.

Use only if starting Smartsite.TestSuite.exe from outside a site's /www/bin/ folder, and when the sites are fully compatible in terms of binaries used.


Use this switch to hide the splash screen at startup