
Smartsite 7.4 - ...

The Userroles action lets you manage the userroles. Userroles are used to group a set of usergroups, useractions, cms and workflow states and filetypes security settings (when enabled).

An user can have multiple roles available when he/she is a member of multiple groups which have been assigned to different roles.
The active/selected role determines e.g. which useractions will be available to the user.

The Userroles library shows the number, name and code for each userrole. The usergroups column shows the number of usergroups which have been assigned to each userrole.
Select an userrole and click the Details button to see which usergroups and useractions are assigned to a specific userrole.

There are two matrices available:

  • Roles / actions shows a matrix which gives an overview which useractions are assigned to each userrole.
  • Groups / roles shows a matrix which gives an overview which usergroups are assigned to each userrole.