Edit contenttype field

Smartsite 7.10 - ...

The Edit contenttype field action is a new action, available as of Smartsite 7.10.

Here you can set the main properties for a specific contenttype field, without the need of knowing about all the underlying ctfp's.
Which settings are displayed is also control specific, so you only see the relevant properties.

General field properties

The General field properties tab includes the field definition itself (name and the physical field it is bound to, if any), as well as which (edit) control should be used for the field, an (optional) description of the field, etcera.

The tab lay-out contains properties to configure on which tab within Edit item the field should be shown and the position within that tab.
Using the fieldset property, you can group fields together into a fieldset by specifying the same value on two or more contenttype fields.

Display and validation

On the second tab you can specify several display and validation properties.

You can e.g. specify whether or not the field should be hidden and/or required, and you can set the height and width of the control
(note: height and width are not applicable for some controls).

Contol specific properties

The properties shown on the third tab are dependent on the control that has been selected on the first tab.

In the example shown above, the selected control on the first tab is the tinymce editor.
In that case, the control specific properties include the SchemaSetId, the Security zone and several tinymce specific properties.

Other properties which might appear here, dependent on the selected control, include: Lookup query, Lookup list, Content relation, Thesaurus, etcetera.


The fourth tab includes the advanced properties, which include whether or not the field should be AIM enabled and whether or not the field should be available for bulk update.

You can also specify XPath expressions to control when the field should be set readonly, relevant and/or required. Using the xf:constraint property, you can set an expression which determines when the field should be marked valid/invalid.