
Smartsite 7 - ...

In this menu you can see all the users. Here you can add, duplicate, enable and disable a user. You can filter the users by visitor, enabled or last login. This makes it easier to find a user you are looking for.

When you want to disable, edit, duplicate or see the details of a user. Click on a user and then choose one of these options. To enable a user, click on a user which is marked in red letters and then on enable. The red user will appear normal and is now enabled.


Add user

Click on add to add a new user. When you add a user you have to fill in a login name, password and full name. These fields are required. When you want to edit a user, the fields are exactly the same.

Add user


There is a second tab on the right. Here you have to select a primary group for the new user. These group has different rights. You can determine which rights the new user gets by selecting a primary group.