This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.
Smartsite global types.


C# Copy imageCopy Code
                          namespace Smartsite.Base
Visual Basic (Declaration) Copy imageCopy Code
                          Namespace Smartsite.Base


  Class Description
Public class AsyncTask
AsyncTask class that can be used to perform async tasks. Attempts to look like the .Net 4 Task class.
Public class BoyerMooreHashTable
Simple hash table for BMSearcher This table is used instead of System.Collections.Hashtable for performance reasons
Public class BoyerMooreSearch
Public class BoyerMooreTextSearch
Public class CacheSignature
Represents the caching signature of an object.
Public class CaseInsensitiveDictionary<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Wraps a dictionary with string keys and makes it case insensitive (invariant culture).
Public class Colors
Class for helper methods related to color handling.
Public class ConfigurationFile
This class represents a Smartsite configuration file.
Public class ConfigurationFiles
Class that stores all the configuration files.
Public class ConfigurationNamespaces
Contains the uri's of the configuration namespaces.
Public class CountingStream
This class wraps a stream and counts the number of bytes written or read from this stream. This class can be used when the supplied stream does not implement the property Position.
Public class CrashReport
Contains a crash report.
Public class CrossSiteScriptingValidation
Tests for cross site scripting. Borrowed from System.Web.dll.
Public class DateTimeUtil
Helper class for DateTime operations.
Public class EmptyLocale
Represents an empty Locale implementation
Public class ErrorCodes
This class contains the error codes that are raised by Smartsite.
Public class ErrorCodes..::..AspNet
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Auditor
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Charts
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Cms
Public class ErrorCodes..::..CmsActivation
Public class ErrorCodes..::..CmsClient
Public class ErrorCodes..::..CodeEditor
Public class ErrorCodes..::..ConfigEditor
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Core
Public class ErrorCodes..::..ExpressionParser
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Formatting
Public class ErrorCodes..::..ImageProcessor
Public class ErrorCodes..::..IndexedSearch
Public class ErrorCodes..::..License
Public class ErrorCodes..::..LogMonitor
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Meta
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Modules
Public class ErrorCodes..::..PdfProcessor
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Publication
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Security
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Smi
Public class ErrorCodes..::..SmiLite
Public class ErrorCodes..::..StorageHandler
Public class ErrorCodes..::..SXML
Public class ErrorCodes..::..TestSuite
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Tools
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Validation
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Viper
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Webservices
Public class ErrorCodes..::..Workflow
Public class ExceptionEventArgs
Event arguments used for exception events.
Public class FastStringBuilder
Class that can build a large string out of many smaller strings.
Public class FileSystemBase
Base class for the FileSystem class in Smartsite.Runtime.
Public class General
General helper methods
Public class HtmlParser
Creates a an xml document from non well-formed html or pseudo-xml.
Public class IIS
Class that can be used to query IIS.
Public class IISAnonymousAuthentication
Class that exposes information about the anonymous authentication in an IIS site.
Public class IISApplication
This class represents an IIS application.
Public class IISApplicationPool
This class represents an IIS application pool.
Public class IISSite
Class that represents an IIS website.
Public class IISVirtualDirectory
Class that represents an IIS Virtual Directory.
Public class InstanceCreatorAttribute
Class that is used to indicate which type of the assembly is the IInstanceCreator
Public class InteropPreviewExtension
Added to OperationContext.Extensions to signal that the current request is a Preview request called from InteropService. This means that item number -1 is valid in ItemRef.
Public class IntList
Represents a list of integers
Public class ItemNotFoundException
Represents the error that an item could not found.
Public class Json
The Json class can read and write JavaScript Object Notation strings.
Public class KeyValueCache<(Of <(<'T, U>)>)>
Cache class that caches object by its key. If more than the given number of items are in the cache, random items are removed from the cache. This class is not thread safe.
Public class NumericEntityEncoderFallback
Provides numeric character references for characters that cannot be encoded in the current encoding.
Public class NumericEntityEncoderFallbackBuffer
Passes a substitute string to an encoding operation. The string is used in place of any input character that cannot be encoded.
Public class ParserOptions
Options for the HtmlParser
Public class ProcessResourceLock
ProcessResourceLock class that allows you to lock the number of instances of this class to limited to one.
Public class ReadOnlyDictionary<(Of <(<'T, U>)>)>
Readonly wrapper for Dictionaries
Public class ResponseHeaderCollection
Implements a collection of response headers.
Public class ResponseInfoBase
Implements the response base class holding header information.
Public class RuntimeException
Generic runtime exception
Public class SecurityException
SecurityExceptions are raised by Smartsite when a user attempts to access a resource he or she is not allowed to access.
Public class SessionInvalidException
SessionInvalidException are raised by Smartsite when a user attempts to access a session that has timed out or otherwise has become invalid.
Public class SiteAccess
The SiteAccess class manager Read and Write access to the Site instance. Anyone that wishes to use the Site should require Read access to Site instance to avoid the risk of the Site being updated while you are using it. Once Read or Write access has been obtained, it should always be released within a small amount of time to avoid starvation of processes that need write access to the site.
Public class SiteAccessToken
This class represents a token that
Public class SmartsiteCastException
Generic runtime exception
Public class SmartsiteException
Generic Smartsite exception base
Public class SmiBase
Base functions for adding data to Smi.
Public class StandardsCompliance
Attempts to make an html document (more) compiant to W3C standards
Public class StateContext
Provides the base implementation for a stateful context.
Public class StringBuilderPool
Pool for StringBuilder objects.
Public class Strings
Strings class. Holds helper methods for string manipulation.
Public class SynchronizedDictionary<(Of <(<'T, U>)>)>
SynchronizedDictionary is a wrapper for other dictionaries to make them synchronized. Access to members is thread safe when wrapped in this class. Note that getting an enumerator is thread safe but looping through the enumation is intrinsically not thread safe.
Public class Tree<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Generic Tree class.
Public class TreeNode<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Generic TreeNode class.
Public class UrlParameterMappings
Represents Url Parameter mappings for MVC-style urls.
Public class UserContextBase
This class is the base class for UserContext. This class is used in the Smartsite.Data to access the current UserProfile and SecurityProfile.
Public class UserContextToken
Represents a token that when disposed, will undo the impersonation.
Public class W3DtdResolver
Class that has the most common W3 dtd's builtin for Xhtml 1.0 and Html 4.0, as well as some common schema files.
Public class WcfHelpers
This class provides some tools to work with WCF Services.
Public class XUri
Represents an extended Uri
Public class XUriQuery
Represents the querystring as passed in the current requested url.
Public class ZipArchive
Class to read or write zip files.


  Structure Description
Public structure DbNullable<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
DbNullable class can be used to represent values that are either null, DBNull or of type T.
Public structure ParserMessage
Message data from the HtmlParser
Public structure ZipArchive..::..ZipFileInfo


  Interface Description
Public interface IDatabase
Describes the API of the Database class
Public interface IDataReaderGenerator
Implemented by classes that can expose themselves as IDataReader.
Public interface IDebugSettings
Interface for the DebugSettings class.
Public interface IExceptionWithTypeId
Exception with type Id
Public interface IFileSystem
Interface for the FileSystem class.
Public interface IInstanceCreator
Interface for classes that can create instances of certain types. Used for avoiding the use of reflection.
Public interface IIntListFilter
Interface for IntList Filtering.
Public interface ILocale
Provides localization and internationalization features
Public interface ILocales
Interface for the Locales class.
Public interface ISecurityProfile
Represents the security profile for a user.
Public interface ISettingsBase
Base settings interface. Provides the basic contract for retrieving application and configuration settings.
Public interface ISite
Describes the base interface of the site.
Public interface ISiteStartupInfo
Site startup information
Public interface ISmiClient
Interface for base Smi functions.
Public interface IStateContext
Defines the contract for state context providers.
Public interface IStateContextProvider
Defines the contract for state context providers.
Public interface IUser
Represents a Smartsite user
Public interface IUserContext
Context interface describing a user by its ISecurityProfile.
Public interface IUserProfile
The IUserProfile defines a user by its personal information and its role in Smartsite.
Public interface IUserRole
This interface defines the role of a user.
Public interface IUserRoles
Interface for the UserRoles class.
Public interface IWebPage
Interface for web pages


  Delegate Description
Public delegate AsyncTaskStart
Delegate for the AsyncTask
Public delegate KeyValueCacheScavenger
Delegate for scavenging the KeyValueCache.
Public delegate Tree<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..TreeNodeFeedback
Delegate used to walk the tree.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration Encodings
Enumeration of available encodings.
Public enumeration ExceptionMessageType
Defines the type of exception which controls what error message is displayed when the end user encounters an exception.
Public enumeration HtmlDoctype
Html Doctype enumeration
Public enumeration IISApplicationPoolIdentityType
Type of application pool identity
Public enumeration Json..::..JsonType
The type of a Json object
Public enumeration ParserMessageType
Message type for HtmlParser messages
Public enumeration RegularExpressionOptions
Provides enumerated values to use to set regular expression options.
Public enumeration ReplaceOptions
ReplaceOptions for BoyerMoore replacing
Public enumeration SiteAccessType
Defines the access a thread has to the Site instance.
Public enumeration SiteStartupFailReason
Gives the reason why the site could not be started.
Public enumeration SiteStartupState
Defines the stated in which a ISite can be.
Public enumeration StandardsComplianceDocTypes
Document type to conform to.
Public enumeration StandardsComplianceReturnScope
Scope of the returnvalue
Public enumeration UrlParameterState
Url Parameter state setting.
Public enumeration ZipArchive..::..CompressionMethodEnum
Public enumeration ZipArchive..::..DeflateOptionEnum