This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.
Smartsite security.


C# Copy imageCopy Code
                          namespace Smartsite.Security
Visual Basic (Declaration) Copy imageCopy Code
                          Namespace Smartsite.Security


  Class Description
Public class AccessTypeLevel
Defines a combination of an acces type and an access level .
Public class Account
Represents a NT account on the server.
Public class Accounts
Class that manages Windows accounts as defined in Smartsite.Security.config.
Public class ActiveDirectoryConfigurationSection
Provides the Active Directory Configuration Section.
Public class ActiveDirectoryConfigurationSettingElement
Defines the Active Directory Settings configuration.
Public class ActiveDirectoryGateway
Gateway to the Active Directory hierarchy. The gateway uses LDAP queries to retrieve Active Directory user information.
Public class ActiveDirectorySettingsConfigCollection
Public class ActiveDirectoryUser
User returned by the (Active or Novell) Directory gateway.
Public class ADMembershipMappingElement
Defines the Active Directory Settings configuration.
Public class ADMembershipMappingsConfigCollection
Public class ContentAccess
The ContentAccess class exposes methods for determining type and level of access to content items for a user depending on their role.
Public class ContentAccessBase
The ContentAccessBase class exposes methods for determining type and level of access to content items for a user depending on their role.
Public class ContentAccessCache
Class used to cache access information for a single content item.
Public class ContentAccessChangeEventArgs
Event arguments for content access change events.
Public class DirectoryGateway
Base class for Directory Gateway implementation classes (such as the ActiveDirectoryGateway and NovellDirectoryGateway classes).
Public class DomainUser
Represents an domain user, either on an Active Directory or on a Novell Directory domain.
Public class LDAPGateway
Gateway to the LDAP Directory hierarchy. The gateway uses LDAP queries to retrieve LDAP Directory user information.
Public class PasswordWallet
Class that manages accounts defined within passwordwallet section of Smartsite.Security.config.
Public class PasswordWalletAccount
Represents an generic account stored within the passwordwallet section of Smartsite.Security.config.
Public class ProfileDatabases<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Class that combines the list of static security profile databases with the list of dynamic databases.
Public class SecurityChangedEventArgs
Class containing arguments for the SecurityChanged event.
Public class SecurityProfile
A SecurityProfile describes a set of credentials available to a user in the system. Every operation performed by a user with this SecurityProfile, will use the credentials in this SecurityProfile
Public class SecuritySystem
The SecuritySystem class provides access to CMS level security.
Public class SecuritySystemBase
Represents the Smartsite security system.
Public class SingleSignOnManager
Class that manages single sign on sessions.
Public class SXMLSecurityRiskLevelAttribute
Attribute for security risk marking in Viper and Modules
Public class SXMLSecurityZone
SXML Security Zone.
Represents a zone in which SXML instructions may or may not be executed.
Zones are defined and populated with instruction types in the Smartsite configuration.
ContentType Fields can be attached to a zone by setting the 'SecurityZone' CTFP.
Public class SXMLSecurityZoneCollection
SXML Security Zones collection.
Public class SXMLSecurityZones
Represents the configured Security Zones.
Public class SXMLSecurityZoneWrapper
Wrapper for SecurityZone application to SXML code.
Public class User
Represents membership user information needed by the Smartsite security framework. The class is derived from the .NET Framework MembershipUser class and extends this class by adding the full name, activation date and expiration date. It has a Type property to distinguish between Smartsite users and visitors.
Public class UserContext
Represents the user context of the current thread.
Public class UserGroup
Represents a Smartsite user group.
Public class UserGroups
Represents the Smartsite user groups
Public class UserInfoSecurityCache
Cache for storing user information.
Public class UserProfile
Class describing a user and its roles
Public class UserRole
Represents a Smartsite user role.
Public class UserRoles
Represents the Smartsite security roles.
Public class Users
This class provides access to the users in the system.


  Interface Description
Public interface IMembershipExtension
Membership Provider extension interface.
Public interface ISXMLCodeSecurity
Implemented by SXML executable units such as Vipers and Modules to specify the SXML Security Zones in which the instruction is allowed.
Public interface IWcfAwareMembershipProvider
To be implemented in membership classes that are WCF-aware


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AccessType
Enum which describes the types of access.
Public enumeration PasswordEncryptionFormat
List of possible password encryption formats.
Public enumeration SecurityEventChangeType
Type of security change
Public enumeration SecurityObject
Object type.
Public enumeration SXMLCodeRiskLevel
Risk Level enum.
Public enumeration SXMLSecurityAssetType
SXML Security asset type.
Public enumeration UserType
Smartsite user types