This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.
Smartsite core types.


C# Copy imageCopy Code
                          namespace Smartsite.Core
Visual Basic (Declaration) Copy imageCopy Code
                          Namespace Smartsite.Core


  Class Description
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder
Class that can be used to construct a advanced formatting xml.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..CaptionFormat
LevelFormat class represents an captionformat element.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..ColDelimiter
ColDelimiter class represents a coldelimiter element.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..ColFormat
LevelFormat class represents a colformat element.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..FormatBase
Base class for every format element.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..FormatBaseCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Collection for all the format elements
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..GroupFormat
LevelFormat class represents a groupformat element.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..GroupFormatBase
Base class for GroupFormat and LevelFormat
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..GroupFormatCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Collection of GroupFormat or LevelFormat elements.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..LevelFormat
LevelFormat class represents a levelformat element.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..RowDelimiter
RowDelimiter class represents a rowdelimiter element.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..RowFormat
LevelFormat class represents a rowformat element.
Public class AdvancedFormatBuilder..::..XmlFormat
XmlFormat class represents a xml formatting element.
Public class AIMContentReference
Represents an AIM content reference
Public class AIMDatabaseReference
AIM reference to a database table.
Public class AIMReference
Represents an AIM reference
Public class AIMReferenceCollection
Represents an AIM reference collection.
Public class AIMRelationManager
Manages AIM relation dependencies.
Public class AIMTranslationReference
Represents a Translation reference for AIM.
Public class AIMUtility
AIM utility methods.
Public class AspNetCmsClient
CmsClient for ASP.NET
Public class AspNetCmsRequest
Represents a Cms request from ASP.Net
Public class AspNetCmsResponse
Represents an Asp.Net Cms response
Public class AssemblyInfo
Extracts system information from an assembly.
Public class AttributeStartupCache<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Helper class used during startup.
Public class AvailableModules
Keeps types in memory
Public class BaseModule
Represents the base class for smartsite Modules
Public class BreakEventArgs
Event args for break event.
Public class CachedContentQuery
Public class CacheFlushEventArgs
Event arguments for the cache flush event.
Public class CcinFriendlyNameMapper
Public class Channel
Encapsulates a rendering channel
Public class ChannelContentType
Represents the Channel ContentType.
Public class Channels
Collection of all available channels
Public class ChannelStartupInfo
Class containing channel startup information.
Public class ClientFramework
ClientFramework class
Public class ClientStateOptions
ClientState options.
Public class Cms
Encapsulates site datastore access
Public class CmsCacheDependency
Cache dependency for Cms Virtual Path provider
Public class CmsClient
Represents the user agent for a request
Public class CmsConfigChangeEventArgs
Event arguments for the ConfigChange event
Public class CmsContentChangeEventArgs
Event arguments for the ContentChange event Raised when a change has occurred in the attached Cms content
Public class CmsEventArgs
Event arguments for the Change event
Public class CmsFolderContentType
Represents the CmsFolder ContentType.
Public class CmsFormCollection
Wraps the Request.Form NameValueCollection for post-processing. - MS IE submit button values.
Public class CmsItem
Represents a content item in Smartsite.
Public class CmsProxy
Public class CmsRequest
Represents an abstract client request context
Public class CmsRequestCommand
Request commands for Smartsite
Public class CmsRequestCommandParameter
Represents a single request command parameter.
Public class CmsRequestCommandParameters
Represents list of command parameters.
Public class CmsRequestCommands
Represents the special commands that exists in a Locator.
Public class CmsRequestFile
Represents a file attached to a request.
Public class CmsResponse
Represents a client response
Public class CmsResponseStream
Provides a wrapper response stream responsible for invoking BeforeWriteContent before writing content (duhh)
Public class CmsWebCacheDependency
CmsWebCacheDependency class.
Public class CmsWorkerRequest
Represents an ASP.NET Worker request for rendering ASP.Net pages internally.
Public class CodeStatusAttribute
Describes the status of the code
Public class CollectionHandler
Reads a CollectionParam<(Of <(<'T>)>)> from the given xml block.
Public class CollectionMemberCustomPropertyAttribute
Declares custom properties for SXML collection members/.
Public class CollectionParam<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
A collection of name-value pairs that can be used as a module parameter type. The collection can be represented in sxml as a delimited list, or an xml block.
Public class CollectionParamOptionsAttribute
Sets options for SXML Collections.
Public class CompatibilityMode
Compatibility mode information.
Public class ConditionalBranchModule
Abstract class to derive from when creating modules that implement conditional branching, such as If-Else, Switch-Case, etc...
Public class ContainerModule
Module that can act as a container for other modules
Public class ContentChangeCacheDependency
Cache dependency that waits for content changes, optionally within a Cms subtree.
Public class ContentChangeManager
Manages multiple notifications of content changes in the Cms.
Public class ContentType
This class defines the ContentType in Smartsite.
Public class ContentTypeChangeEventArgs
Content type change event arguments.
Public class ContentTypeChannelMapping
Represents a ContentType-channel mapping
Public class ContentTypeField
Describes the content type field
Public class ContentTypeFieldProperties
ContentTypeFieldProperties contains the collection of ContentTypeFieldProperty objects.
Public class ContentTypeFieldProperty
Represents a property of a content type field.
Public class ContentTypeFields
Collection of ContentTypeField objects.
Public class ContentTypeGroup
Defines a group of ContentType objects.
Public class ContentTypeGroup..::..DerivedContentTypeCollection
Collection of derived content types.
Public class ContentTypeGroups
Collections of ContentTypeGroup objects.
Public class ContentTypes
Collection of ContentType objects.
Public class CookiePolicyManager
The cookie manager class.
Manages cookie usage.
Public class CultureCollection
Defines the configuration collection that contains culture elements.
Public class CultureElement
Defines the culture configuration.
Public class CustomErrors
Class that is used to create error pages when the rendering of an item fails.
Public class DatabaseTableReference
Holds a reference to an table in a database.
Public class DataTableColumnAttribute
This attribute is used on public getter properties to override the default name or to make the property invisible to the DataTable in which it will be included.
Public class DataTableLayoutAttribute
This attribute is used on elements that return an IEnumerable to indicate which type is contained in the enumeration. This type is used for documentation purposes.
Public class DateTimeFormatElement
Defines the date time format element.
Public class DebugSettings
Class that contains all debug options.
Public class DebugUtil
Public class DefaultFriendlyNameMapper
Default friendly name mapper for Smartsite.
Public class DummyContext
Public class DumpingXmlTextWriter
XHtml writer with direct writing from XmlReader.
Public class DynamicStorage
Dynamic Global Storage class.
Public class ExpressionEvaluator
Differences with a standard C# expression evaluator Smartsite ExpressionEvaluator allow conversion from number to bool. Comparison operators == and != operator with a string operand trigger implicit cast to string Smartsite: "1"==1 ->true C#: "1"==1 -> error, "1"==""+1 -> true Smartsite: null+null = null C#: null+null= error
Public class ExpressionException
General Smartsite exception
Public class ExpressionToken
Expression token class
Public class ExtensionMethods
Public class Factory
Factory class providing object creation methods
Public class FileLinkCopyJob
FileLink scheduled job.
Public class FileSystem
Provides restricted access to the files and folders under the site's WWW root folder.
Public class FileType
This class represents a file type as defined in the CMS.
Public class FileTypes
This class contains all the FileTypes in the system.
Public class Formatting
Represents formatting options. For use with the ResultFormatter class when formatting an IDataReader.
Public class FriendlyNames
Class that maps urls with friendly names to normal links and vice versa
Public class Helpers
Helper class to invoke members of a type using relfection
Public class Helpers..::..MethodCall
MethodCall class
Public class Hierarchy
Represents the Content hierarchy
Public class Host
The Host interface
Public class HostHeader
Defines a host header mapping for a Channel.
Public class HostHeaders
Defines the collection of HostHeaders that belong to a Channel.
Public class HostingEnvironment
Hosting Environment class.
Public class InstructionContainer
Represents a CMS SXML instruction container.
Public class InstructionTree
Represents an SXML instruction tree.
Public class ItemInfo
Contains basic item information
Public class ItemLock
Represents a single item lock.
Public class ItemLocks
CMS Item Locking.
Public class ItemRef
Reference to Smartsite Item.
Public class Locale
Locale class

For retrieving localized resources

Public class Locales
Collection of cached Locale instances for the available localization cultures
Public class LocalizationConfigSection
Provides the localization configuration section.
Public class LocalXmlResolver
Resolves external xml resources by looking up the resource in the [SiteRoot]\System\schemas first before returning a global uri.
Public class Locator
Smartsite Locator object.
Public class MacroDefaultPropertyAttribute
Used to specify the default property when used in Macros.
The Inner Xml of the macro can be used as the value of the default property, making the Xml syntax easier and more intuitive.
Note that other properties will have to written be attributes when using this syntax.
Public class MacroNameAttribute
Used to decorate modules with the the name used in Macros
Public class MacroNotCreatedException
Exception thrown when a module could not be loaded
Public class MacroNotFoundException
Exception thrown when a module could not be loaded
Public class MacroVirtualPropertiesAllowedAttribute
Used to specify that properties may be used that are not defined on the underlying component's interface.
Public class ManagedCookie
Managed cookie.
Public class Manager
This class gives access to the manager.
Public class MemberInfoComments
Class that contains the xml comment information of a MemberInfo instance.
Public class MemberOptionsAttribute
Attribute that specifies that this is the default member
Public class MemberSchemaTypeAttribute
Used to specify a custom schema for a module property.
Public class MimeType
This class represents a mime type as defined in the CMS.
Public class MimeTypes
This class contains all the mime types in the system.
Public class Module
Module forms the base class of all modules.
Public class ModuleCacheBlock
Represents a macro cache block.
Public class ModuleCacheExpirations
Represents the list of cache expirations for a Module
Public class ModuleInfo
Provides access to module information
Public class ModulePropertyInfo
ModulePropertyInfo class. Holds information about module properties and provides fast access to the property-setter
Public class ModulePropertyValue
Represents a value of a Module property.
Public class ModuleResult
Encapsulates Module results
Public class ModuleSetPropertyEventArgs
Event arguments for SetProperty event on BaseModule
Public class ModuleSignature
Represents the caching signature of an object. Explicitly added properties will be added in the signature, but a module's internal business rules leading to specific output should also be reflected.
Public class NamespaceCollectingXmlReader
Xmlreader that collects namespaces
Public class NamespaceDeclarationEventArgs
Namespace declaration event args.
Public class NormalTranslationContentType
Normal Translations.
Public class NullChannel
The internal null channel. Used for internal rendering of items without channel mapping requirement.
Public class NumberFormatElement
Defines the number format element.
Public class OAuth
OAuth base request class.
Public class OpenXmlDocumentPropertiesExtractor
Extracts metadata from files/documents in Open XML Format (such as Microsoft Office 2007 and later).
Public class ParameterHandler
Module that handles ..:parameter nodes
Public class ParametersHandler
Module handles ..:parameters nodes
Public class ParameterTarget
Represents the target instance and property of a Parameter node in SXML.
Public class PersonalProfile
PersonalProfile class
Public class PlaceholderEntry
Represents a row as cached for later addition to the placeholder.
Public class PostPersistance
Public class Preset
Module Preset.
Public class Presets
Module Presets collection.
Public class PresetValue
Preset value.
Public class PreviewItem
This class represents the data that will be used for previewing an item.
Public class PreviewSession
This class represents the session of a user that wishes to preview items.
Public class PreviewSessionManager
This class manages all open PreviewSession instances.
Public class ProfileProvider
The ProfileProvider class.
Public class ProgressEventArgs
Event arguments passed for progress feedback
Public class Publication
Class that represent a publication.
Public class Publications
Collection of Publications.
Public class RawDataModule
Base container module for custom interpretation of raw inner data.
Modules of this type typically process their own data, instead of letting the normal processing interpret their nested data first.
Public class ReleaseSettings
Smartsite Publication Release settings.
Public class RenderContext
Processes the raw page data and produces a rendered document
Public class RenderContextEventHelper
Helper class for attaching event handlers while in static (stateless) methods.
Public class RenderEngine
Represents a rendering engine
Public class RenderEngineEventArgs
Event arguments for the RenderEngine events.
Public class RenderSettings
Settings affecting the rendering process
Public class RenderTemplate
The RenderTemplate class
Public class RenderTemplateContentType
Represents the RenderTemplate ContentType.
Public class RenderTemplateDependencies
Represents the RenderTemplate System Translation dependencies as a Tree.
Public class RenderTemplates
The RenderTemplates collection
Public class RequestClientStateEventArgs
ClientState EventArgs
Public class RESTHelper
Class designed to help with calling REST based applications
Public class ResultFormatter
ResultFormatter provides methods to format IDataReader instances using a wide set of formatting options.
Public class ResultSetModule
The ResultSetModule is the base module for all Smartsite modules that return an IDataReader instead of a string. The contents of the IDataReader will be formatted with the given formatting.
Public class SaveBuffers
Represents a logical container for scoped variables used during SXML processing.
Public class SaveBufferScopeStrings
Gives a string representation of the SaveBufferScope. This is a denormalization for performance reasons.
Public class Schedule
This class represents a schedule that defines the time at which a scheduled job is triggered.
Public class ScheduledJob
This class defines a scheduled job.
Public class ScheduledJobEventArgs
Event arguments for a ScheduledJob event.
Public class ScheduledJobGroup
This class represents a group of ScheduledJob instances.
Public class ScheduledJobRun
This class contains the properties of a specific run from a ScheduledJob.
Public class ScheduledJobs
This class manages all the defined scheduled jobs.
Public class ScheduleEventArgs
Event args for events on the Schedule class.
Public class SchemaConfigCollection
Defines the configuration collection that contains schema configuration elements.
Public class SchemaConfigElement
Defines the schema configuration.
Public class SchemaConfigSection
Provides the schema configuration section.
Public class Sessions
Class that manages the session in the site.
Public class Settings
Settings class
Public class SimpleCmsClient
Public class SimpleCmsRequest
Represents a Cms request
Public class SimpleXmlReader
Reads XML without any Xml resolving or Entity declaration needs.
Public class Site
The Site class
Public class SiteCaching
Represents caching facilities
Public class SiteFileSystemEventArgs
Provides data for the FileDependencyChange event.
Public class SiteFileSystemWatcher
Extends the default FileSystemWatcher with additional file information required for site file watching.
Public class SiteStartupInfo
This class contains information about the startup of the site.
Public class SiteStartupSettings
This class contains the settings that are used to start a site instance.
Public class SmartletPresetTranslationContentType
Smartlet Translations.
Public class SmartletTranslationContentType
Smartlet Translations.
Public class StopProcessingException
Exception base for stopping any processing in Smartsite
Public class StopRenderingException
Exception for stopping the render engine (clearing the stack) and calling back a delegate.
Public class SXML
SXML class
Public class SXMLDataTable
Represents an SXML DataTable abstraction object.
Public class SXMLDataTableJoinOptions
Represents options for DataTable joining.
Public class SXMLReturnException
Exception used for returning from translations immediately.
Public class SXMLStack
SXML stack
Public class SXMLStackContentHitEventArgs
Event arguments used for ContentHit event on the SXMLStack object.
Public class SXMLStackFrame
SXML stack frame.
Public class SXMLSyntaxException
Represents an SXML parsing exception.
Public class SxmlVisualizer
Visualizes the SXML components that have led to HTML output by keeping track of SXML execution and relating the instructions to html output by using the 'rel' attribute and jQuery Scf behavior.
Public class SxmlVisualizerSettings
SxmlVisualizer Settings
Public class SXMLWrapperException
Sxml wrapper exception that wraps an existing exception.
Public class SystemInformation
Provider access to general system information.
Public class SystemTranslationContentType
System Translations.
Public class TransferContext
This class described the context of a transfer that takes place during rendering.
Public class TransferException
Excetion for transferring to other item.
Public class Translation
Holds site translations
Public class TranslationContentType
Represents the Translation ContentType.
Public class TranslationContext
Translationscope class.
Public class Translations
Holds all site translations
Public class TranslationScopeEventArgs
Event arguments passed for scope determination
Public class TranslationScopeItems
Items for trabslation scope specification.
Public class TranslationSignature
Represents a Translation Signature
Public class TranslationVersion
TranslationVersion class Represents a version of a translation with a unique scope
Public class TranslationVersions
Holds the versions of each translation based on the parent folder, where 2 special folders are: - Global (0) - System (-1)
Public class TranslationVersionState
State for use in TranslationVersion objects.
Public class TranslationVersionUseEventArgs
Event args for the translation version use event.
Public class TypeConverter
Helper class used to convert types
Public class UserAction
Represents a user action in the CMS.
Public class UserActions
Represents the collection of UserAction instances.
Public class ViperEventArgs
Viper event arguments
Public class ViperException
Smartsite Viper exception
Public class ViperExecuteEventArgs
Public class ViperInstruction
Reptresents a ViperMethod instruction.
Public class ViperManager
The Viper class
Public class ViperMethod
This class describes a Viper method
Public class ViperMethodAttribute
Specifies that a method is callable through Viper syntax.
Public class ViperMethodInfo
Represents Viper method info
Public class ViperMethodInfoList
List of ViperMethodInfo objects valid for a Viper Registration.
Public class ViperMethodParameter
Represents a ViperMethod Parameter
Public class ViperParameters<(Of <(<'T, U>)>)>
Public class ViperParser
Public class ViperParserToken
Represents a token that is returned by the ViperParser.
Public class ViperRegistration
Represents a Viper namespace registration.
Public class ViperRegistrations
Collection of ViperRegistration items.
Public class ViperResolvedEventArgs
Event Args for ViperResolved event
Public class ViperResolver
Viper Expression evaluator
Public class ViperResolverSettings
Settings for the ViperResolver.
Public class ViperStateContainer
Class that encapsulates the matching of a single viper expression through calling of the registered namespace handler.
Public class VirtualAssembly
Represents source code that will be compiled and executed using the CodeDom. The first class deriving from Module
Public class WhitespaceModeStrings
Gives a string representation of the WhitespaceMode. This is a denormalization for performance reasons.
Public class WriteClientStateEventArgs
ClientState EventArgs
Public class XmlAttributeValue
Represents an XML attribute value.
Public class XmlComments
Class for retrieving comments for MemberInfo instances.
Public class XmlCore
Core Xml functionality.
Public class XmlData
Xml containing wrapper.
Public class XmlDataSettings
Settings for XmlData creation.
Public class XmlDataSettingsAttribute
XmlData settings.
Public class XmlElementBase
Xml Element base class.
Public class XmlEngine
Generic, stack-based processing XML Engine.
Public class XmlEngineAbortException
Used to abort processing and take some specified action.
Public class XmlHelper
Public class XmlNamespace
Represents an Xml Namespace.
Public class XmlNamespaceDeclarations
Holds known Xml namespace declarations .
Public class XmlNamespaceHandlers
Public class XmlNamespaces
Represents a list of XML namespaces.
Public class XmlProcessor
Smartsite Xml processor Used to parse Xml data and execute code through attached listeners that handle namespaces and/or tags
Public class XmlProcessorEventArgs
Base event arguments for xmlProcessor
Public class XmlProcessorListener
Describes an event listener for the XmlProcessor
Public class XmlProcessorListeners
Registers event listeners for the XmlProcessor
Public class XmlProcessorTagProperties
Holds the list of attributes found in the Xml nodes
Public class XmlReaderAttributeList
Represents an Attribute collection read from an XmlReader.
Public class XmlReaderModule
Used to derive modules that process their inner Xml themselves.
Public class XmlReaderWriter
XmlReaderWriter class. Used to process XML and handle only relevant nodes while writing every other directly to the output writer.
Public class XmlReaderWriterEventArgs
Event Arguments for HandleNode event.
Public class XmlSourceContext
Source context.
Public class XmlSubtreeReader
Public class XmlTextNode
Text Node.
Public class XmlUtil
Xml utility methods.
Public class XmlUtility
Provides various xml utility functions.
Public class XmlWrappingReader
Public class XPathQuery
Represents an XPath query.
Public class Xslt2ViperBridge
The Xslt2ViperBridge is used by Smartsite to access the Viper mechanism from within an Xslt.


  Structure Description
Public structure CollectionParamElement<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents an item in a CollectionParam<(Of <(<'T>)>)> collection
Public structure ExpressionOperator
Primary f(x)
Unary +, -, !, ~
Arithmetic — Multiplicative *, /, %
Arithmetic — Additive +, -
Shift <<, >>
Relational <, >, <=, >=
Equality ==, !=
Logical, in order of precedence &, ^, |
Conditional, in order of precedence &&, ||


  Interface Description
Public interface IAIMAware
Interface implemented by macros that have internal facilities to add their AIM relations when rendered in the AIM channel.
Public interface IAIMModule
Used to relate to the AIM references within a macro.
Public interface IApplicationModule
Defines the contract for modules that act as scoped regions for storing state during the SXML processing.
Public interface ICacheModule
ICacheModule Interface.
Public interface ICmsContext
Cms Context
Public interface ICmsItemRef
The ICmsItemRef interface
Public interface IContext
Describes the contract for the generic context
Public interface IDataTableModule
DataTable macro interface.
Public interface IExpressionEvaluator
Interface for raw parameter passing and execution.
Public interface IFriendlyNameMapper
Public interface for classes that provide friendly name mapping.
Public interface IHost
Interface to implement in order to set up a HostingEnvironment.
Public interface IMetadataExtraction
Public interface for classes that are able to extract metadata for certain types of files.
Public interface IModuleExec
Describes the contract for custom components to be executed using the XmlProcessor
Public interface IModuleHandling
Interface for SXML handling properties
Public interface IPageProcessorEnvironment
Interface used to control the rendering process
Public interface IPlaceholder
Interface for placeholder modules.
Public interface IProcessingContext
Defines the contract for the processing context
Public interface IRenderContext
Represents the context during page rendering
Public interface IRenderDeviceContext
Internal interface for internal state of CmsRequest objects.
Public interface IRequestedBuffers
IRequestedBuffers Interface
Public interface IRootObject
Describes the contract for a Root object
Public interface IScheduledJob
Public interface for scheduled jobs.
Public interface IScopedBuffers
Contract for scoped variables in the XmlProcessor.
Public interface ISettings
Settings interface. Provides a contract for retrieving application and configuration settings.
Public interface ISXMLInstruction
SXML Processing Instruction.
Public interface ISXMLSource
SXML Processing Source.
Public interface ISystemInformationProvider
Objects that implement this interface and are registered by a SystemInformation instance can be queried to publish system information.
Public interface ITranslationContext
Used to identify modules that override the translation scoping mechanism.
Public interface IViperHandler
Interface for Viper namespace handling.
Public interface IViperManager
IViperManager interface.
Public interface IViperMethodContext
Represents the Viper Method context.
Public interface IViperMethodImplementation
Implemented by classes that hold the implementation of a single ViperMethod call.
Public interface IViperRegistrations
Describes the contract for Viper registrations
Public interface IViperResolver
Interface for objects that are capable of parsing Viper expressions.
Public interface IXmlElement
IXmlElement interface.
Public interface IXmlEngineHost
Interface for XmlEngine hosting.
Public interface IXmlNamespaceHandler
Interface for XML namespace handlers. Registered in the Smartsite.config configuration/xmlprocessors section. Example: <xmlprocessors> <add uri="" type="Smartsite.XForms.XFormsHandler, Smartsite.XForms" />
Public interface IXmlNamespaceTagProcessor
Interface for XML processors.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate Cms..::..ItemListFilterCallback
Callback for filtering items.
Public delegate CmsRequestFile..::..CmsRequestFileSaveToDisk
Delegate to call to save the file to disk.
Public delegate ContentChangeManager..::..ChangeNotification
Delegate to create callback for change notification.
Public delegate Helpers..::..FastInvokeHandler
Delegate for GetMethodInvoker method.
Public delegate MatchXmlElement
Delegate used for matching elements using Find()
Public delegate MethodFound
Called when a method is found.
Public delegate RenderContextEventHelper..::..RenderContextEnrichedEventHandler
EventHandler delegate with RenderContext.
Public delegate RenderEngineEventHandler
EventHandler for RenderEngine events.
Public delegate RenderingStopped
Delegate for callback after a StopRenderingException exception.
Public delegate RenderSettings..::..RenderEngineLoad
Delegate for onload handler.
Public delegate ResumeAction
Resume action to take.
Public delegate ScheduledJobEventHandler
Event handler for ScheduledJob events.
Public delegate SXMLStack..::..FindFrame
Find SXML stack frame delegate.
Public delegate Translations..::..TestTranslationVersion
Delegate used in GetScopedTranslations().


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AIMReferenceType
General link type enumeration.
Public enumeration AIMRelationOptions
Flags for internal link administration.
Public enumeration AIMScanMode
Active Integrity Management setting.
Public enumeration AIMSource
Used to specify the source of the AIM registration to be done for a given SXML asset.
Public enumeration ApplyPresetMode
Mode of application for presets
Public enumeration CacheFlushOptions
Flags for cache removal.
Public enumeration CacheSizes
Enumeration that defines the size of the memory cache.
Public enumeration CacheTypes
Different types of cache maintained by Smartsite.
Public enumeration ClientIncludeType
Client include types.
Public enumeration ClientStateType
Clientstate type
Public enumeration CodeStatus
Code status enum
Public enumeration CompatibilitySettings
Compatibility settings.
Public enumeration ConditionType
Defines which conditions are defined.
Public enumeration ContentChangeType
Represents the type of change that occurs in the attached Cms
Public enumeration ContentTypeChangeTypes
Enumeration that defines the content type event types.
Public enumeration ContentTypeFieldPropertyValueType
Describes the type of a content type field property value.
Public enumeration ContentTypeSource
Enumeration describing the possible sources for a ContentType
Public enumeration CookiePatternType
Managed Cookies string pattern.
Public enumeration CustomErrorMode
This enumeration describes in which mode the error handling works.
Public enumeration DataType
Describes the Smartsite data types.
Public enumeration ExpressionOperator..::..OperatorType
OperatorType enumeration
Public enumeration ExpressionToken..::..TokenType
Token type
Public enumeration FormPersistTransferOptions
Options for Post Persistance.
Public enumeration FriendlyNameType
Types describing the friendly name types.
Public enumeration HostConfirmResult
Response of a Confirm action.
Public enumeration HostConfirmType
Type of confirmation asked.
Public enumeration KnownUserAgent
Represents known user agents
Public enumeration LinkStatus
Link status enumeration.
Public enumeration MemberOptions
Used for specifying rendering options for Smartsite Modules
Public enumeration ModulePropertyDefaultNotation
Describes the default notation for macro properties.
This is used for the default Xml representation of the macro.
Public enumeration ModulePropertySource
Describes the source of a Module property value
Public enumeration ModuleResultState
Represents the state of the module's result data.
Public enumeration ModuleStatus
The status of the module rendering
Public enumeration NewLineHandling
Specifies how to handle line breaks.
Public enumeration OutputDecoding
Output decoding setting.
Public enumeration PersonalizationProfileSource
The personalization profile property source.
Public enumeration PostPersistanceRestoreState
Represents the Post Persistance state.
Public enumeration ProfileSource
The personalization profile property source.
Public enumeration RenderExceptionHandling
Defines how render errors are handled.
Public enumeration RenderMode
Describes the render mode.
Public enumeration ReservedContentType
List of reserved contenttypes.
Public enumeration ResultDataType
Result DataType. Subset of SXML DataType.
Public enumeration SaveBufferScope
Defines the scope of a buffer.
Public enumeration ScheduledJobGroupMode
Defines how jobs in a group are run.
Public enumeration ScheduledJobState
Defines the state of a ScheduledJob.
Public enumeration ScheduleEvent
The event on which a ScheduledJob can be triggered.
Public enumeration ScopeSpec
Translation Scope Specification.
Public enumeration SessionMode
Describes the modes that are available for sessions.
Public enumeration SignatureTypes
Provides a predefined set of algorithms that are supported officially by the protocol
Public enumeration SmartsiteRelease
Smartsite release numbers.
Public enumeration SXMLExceptionType
SXML Exceptions
Public enumeration TranslationRoot
TranslationRoot enum Used to specify virtual parents for System and Global translations. This is done so that all translations are treated equally: They all have a parent that specifies the scope in which they are valid.
Public enumeration TranslationType
TranslationType enum
Public enumeration TrimMode
Options for input string triming.
Public enumeration UnresolvedViperHandling
Represents the way unresolved viper calls should be treated.
Public enumeration ViperEventArgs..::..ViperFlags
Flags for viper methods.
Public enumeration ViperEventArgs..::..ViperState
Viper state.
Public enumeration ViperParserTokenType
Represents the token types for the Viper parser.
Public enumeration WhitespaceMode
Options for whitespace handling
Public enumeration XmlCodingOptions
Specifies the options for encoding and decoding XML.
Public enumeration XmlEngineNamespaceHandling
XmlEngine Namespace Handling enum.
Public enumeration XmlProcessorStatus
Status of the XmlProcessor
Public enumeration XpathQueryType
XPath query types.