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Smartsite data access layer.


C# Copy imageCopy Code
                          namespace Smartsite.Data
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                          Namespace Smartsite.Data


  Class Description
Public class AmbientTransaction
Class that manages transactions per thread.
Public class AuditObjectType
Type of an audited object.
Public class Auditor
Supports registering audit entries.
Public class BaseSettings
BaseSettings is the base class for LoadSettings and SaveSettings.
Public class CachedTable
Class that inherits from DataTable and contains the cached data of a DatabaseTable. Once the data has been loaded in this instance, this instances never changes so it might not contain the latest data. To get the latest data, call GetDataTable on the TableCacheManager to get a reference to an instance that contains the active data.
Public class ConnectionString
ConnectionString class
Public class ContentRelation
Content relation
Public class ContentRelations
The ContentRelations class can create instances of the ContentRelation class
Public class ContentRelationStorage
ContentRelation storage handler
Public class CreateSchemaSettings
Settings used by MetaType's CreateSchema methods.
Public class Database
Abstract class which must be implemented by database provider specific versions.
Public class DatabaseColumn
Class describing a column in the database.
Public class DatabaseColumns
Collection of DatabaseColumn objects
Public class DatabaseExecuteSettings
This class contains settings used when executing a sql query by the database layer.
Public class DatabaseRelation
This class describes the relation between two database tables.
Public class DatabaseStorage
Storage handler that provides storage for single fields, 1-n and n-n relations.
Public class DatabaseStoredProcedure
Represents a stored procedure in the database
Public class DatabaseStoredProcedureParameter
Class describing the parameter of a stored procedure.
Public class DatabaseStoredProcedureParameters
Collection of DatabaseStoredProcedureParameter objects.
Public class DatabaseStream
This class provides streaming capabilities to a single binary field in the database.
Public class DatabaseTable
This class describes a table in a database.
Public class DataReader
The DataReader class is in implementation of the IDataReader interface. It allows you to browse through an IDataReader but offers some extra functionality like looking at the previous and next row and checking if the current row is the last row.
Public class DataRecord
The DataRecord class is an implementation of the IDataRecord interface. It allows you to retrieve the values from an IDataReader and use them later using the same interface.
Public class ExtraFieldProperties
Class that contains extra field properties for each MetaField.
Public class ExtraFieldPropertyBag
Contains the extra field properties for storage handlers when loading or saving the field.
Public class FileLinkStorage
This class contains the file link storage that loads files into the dataset as if it were a file in the database.
Public class FileStorage
File storage handler
Public class FilterExpression
Class that contains a expression to filter data.
Public class GenericDatabase
GenericDatabase is a class that is used for all non SqlServer, Oracle and MySql databases.
Public class LoadSettings
Collection of settings
Public class LookupList
Represents the lookup list.
Public class MetaDatabase
The MetaDatabase class describes the meta structure of the database.
Public class MetaDataColumn
Extension to the ADO.Net DataColumn class
Public class MetaDataSet
Extension to the the DataSet class.
Public class MetaDataTable
Extension to the ADO.Net DataTable class
Public class MetaField
This class describes a field in a MetaType
Public class MetaFieldProperties
ContentTypeFieldProperties contains the collection of MetaFieldProperty objects.
Public class MetaFieldProperty
Public class MetaFields
Collection of MetaField objects
Public class MetaLayer
Startup class is used to initialize the meta layer of Smartsite.Data
Public class MetaRelations
This class contains the collection of DatabaseRelation objects.
Public class MetaType
MetaType contains a description of fields which together form a virtual type. Fields may come from different sources and can be combined in a single MetaType. MetaSets can then be created based on this MetaType.
Public class MetaType..::..PrimaryFieldCollection
Collection of primary fields
Public class MetaTypeBuilder
Helper class that can construct a MetaType for you
Public class MetaTypeBuilder..::..MetaField
Represents a MetaField of the MetaTypeBuilder
Public class MetaTypeBuilder..::..MetaFieldProperties
Represents the MetaFieldProperties of the MetaTypeBuilder
Public class MetaTypeBuilder..::..MetaFieldProperty
Represents a MetaFieldProperty of the MetaTypeBuilder
Public class MetaTypeBuilder..::..MetaFields
Represents the MetaFields of the MetaTypeBuilder
Public class MetaTypeBuilder..::..VersioningBuilder
Represents a MetaField of the MetaTypeBuilder
Public class MetaTypeException
Exception that is raised by the meta layer.
Public class MySqlDatabase
An MySql specific instance of the Database class.
Public class OracleDatabase
Class that is used to split Oracle queries that exist of multiple queries into a list of queries that can be executed separately.
Public class OracleDataReader
The OracleDataReader is a special implementation of the IDataReader that is returned by the OracleDatabase when executing a query. Its purpose is to make the avoid differences between SqlServer and Oracle behaviour for the end user.
Public class PreparseParameterInfo
Class that represents parameter details returned by the preparser.
Public class PrimaryKeyList
Collection of keys.
Public class PrimaryKeyList..::..FieldCollection
Collection of fields
Public class PrimaryKeyList..::..ValueCollection
Collection of values
Public class PropertyMeta
PropertyMeta describes the elements that are allowed.
Public class PropertyNames
Contains a collection of property names
Public class QueryCacheItem
This class is internally used by Smartsite.
Public class RelationInfo
The RelationInfo class describes what kind of relation a MetaField is.
Public class SaveSettings
Public class SelfClosingDbCommand
Class that wraps a DbCommand class and closes the database connection when this instance is disposed.
Public class SqlBuilder
Helper class to construct sql queries
Public class SqlServerDatabase
A SqlServer specific instance of the Database class.
Public class SqlStatementPart
Represents a part of a sql statement that has been split in multiple statements.
Public class StorageHandler
Base class for all storage handlers
Public class SystemMetaTypes
This class provides static strong typed references to system MetaType instances.
Public class TableCacheManager
The TableCacheManager manages a set cached database tables. If the data in the cached database table becomes invalid because the data in the database was changed, the data is automatically reloaded if the user obtain a new reference to the cache database table.
Public class TableChangeEventArgs
Event arguments for the TableCacheManager events.
Public class ThesaurusStorage
Thesaurus storage handler
Public class VersionInfo
This class contains information about the version of a MetaType record.
Public class Versioning
This class provides versioning functionality for every existing MetaType.
Public class VersionLabel
The class VersionLabel represents a version label
Public class VersionStore
The VersionStore class represents a location to store version information. (The most common example is the ContentVersions).
Public class VersionStore..::..MappingDictionary
Exposes the collection of VersionStoreMapping objects.
Public class VersionStoreMapping
Describes a field mapping from the original MetaType to a column in the version table.


  Structure Description
Public structure SqlBuilder..::..Column
Defines a column in the sql query.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate Auditor..::..Localize
Delegate to localize a value, if applicable.
Public delegate TableChangeEventHandler
Delegate that describes the database table change events.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AmbientTransactionState
State of the AmbientTransaction.
Public enumeration DatabaseServerType
Enumeration of the database brands supported by Smartsite.
Public enumeration ExecuteType
Represents the type of execute performed on the database.
Public enumeration FieldLoadStatus
Indicates if a field of a MetaType is loaded in the MetaDataSet.
Public enumeration ForeignKeyRule
Public enumeration LoadStatus
LoadStatus of a MetaDataTable.
Public enumeration LookupList..::..LookupType
Enumeration describing the type of lookup
Public enumeration MetaTypeOperation
Types of operations performed by the meta layer.
Public enumeration NumberingMode
The value of this enum determines how the value of a primary key is chosen.
Public enumeration PrimaryKeyListToStringStyle
Enumeration that determines how the ToString() of the list is created
Public enumeration RelationType
Relation type describes the kind of relation 2 tables have.
Public enumeration TableChangeAction
Enumeration of actions performed on the table.