Reading Metadata

Release 1.02 - ...

Use the module se:imageproperties to obtain metadata information from images. The module returns a data table containing the image properties of one or more images. Each table row contains the details of a single image. When the parameter includemetadata is enabled, the cell of the metadata column is filled with a datatable containing the complete set of metadata that is found. Nested datatables (a datatable in a datatable) are used to store the metadata information. 

ImageProperties Result

The image properties module datatable result contains the following columns:

Name Type Description
FileName String The name of the file.
FileType String The type of the image. The complete list of supported image types is defined in the Smartsite.ImageProcessor.config.
Folder String The parent folder of the image (if applicable)
FileSize Integer The actual file size in bytes.
FileSizeKb String A formatted file size in kbytes.
Width Integer The image width in pixels.
Height Integer The image height in pixels.
ColorDepth Integer The number of colors per pixel.
FrameCount Integer The number of image frames found. More than 1 when the image contains a sequence of images, as is the case with animated GIF images.
ResolutionUnit String The image resolution unit.
ResolutionX Float The horizontal resolution.
ResolutionY Float The vertical resolution.
Location String The absolute location of the image
Metadata DataTable The complete set of metadata found in the source image. Not set if parameter includemetadata is false.

Metadata DataTable

Once metadata is requested using the includemetadata parameter and metadata is found in the source image, the metadata datatable is filled and contains the following columns:

Name Type Description
Id String The unique identifier of the metadata element as defined in the metadata format.
Name String The mapped name of the metadata element. The metadata parser provides a mapping of metadata identifiers to human readable names. A full mapping for Exif and IPTC metadata has been implemented.
Value Any The actual value of the metadata element.
Type Enum (DataType) The datatype of the metadata element value.
Source String The name of the source metadata format. Either ComText, Exif, IPTC or XMP
Category String The category of the metadata element (if supported by the metadata format).
Description String A description of the metadata element (if supported by the metadata format).
