Using the Search Engine Sitemap generator macro

Release 1.02 - ...

You can create sitemap files by calling the SearchEngineSitemap macro. This macro will generate two or more files in the WWW root of your site. You can render this item on a daily basis e.g. by using the SignalSmartsite tool.

A typical example of the macro looks like this:

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:impersonate username="john" password="secret">
  <se:searchenginesitemap generaterobotstxt="ifnotexists" hostheader="http://localhost/" ping="true" sitemapfilename="mysitemap" usecompression="false" username="guest">
      <se:parameter name="urls">
        <se:includefiles path="/" extensions="htm,html,txt,pdf" recurse="true" />
        <se:includeitems channel="def" items="2" recurse="true" includehidden="true" />
        <se:includeitems channel="def" contenttypes="wp,pwp,awp" />
        <se:excludeitems contenttypes="js,css" />


Before discussing the Impersonate macro, we'll discuss the SearchEngineSitemap macro and its parameters.

Parameter Description
hostheader The host header describes which host header is used for the links in the generated files. The host header must match one of the host headers defined in one of your channels. Only urls to a single domain can be generated in a sitemap file so if you have e.g. two domain names such as and, you must generate two sitemap files, one for each domain. Note that the channels specified in the parameter urls must be mapped to this host header.
sitemapfilename This parameters allows you to choose a different sitemap filename when generating multiple sitemap files for different domains. This filename will be followed by a postfix like "-1.xml" or "-index.xml".
username The name of the user that is used to check if files and items are publicly accessible. The default user is the Guest user but can be changed.
usecompression Set this parameter to true to generate compressed sitemap files. Compressed files save bandwidth and diskspace but are not human readable.
ping Set ping to true to automatically send a request to some of the major search engines, notifying them that there is a new sitemap available.
generaterobotstxt The macro will by default generate a robots.txt file if none exists. This robots.txt file will contain a reference to the sitemap file which will help some search engines discover your sitemap. Change this setting to never or always generate a robots.txt file.
defaultpriority The default priority set to items and files for which no specific priority has been set.

This parameter allows you to specify which items should be included in the sitemap files. The urls parameter can contain four elements:

  • <se:includefiles>
    The files element indicates which files are included in the sitemap file. Set the path, the extensions to be included and the recursion parameter to indicate if child folders should be included.
  • <se:includeitems>
    The items element selects items from the content tree. The channel attribute must always be set to a channel code which is mapped to the host header that is set on this macro. Using the attributes items, contenttypes and view you can select the items that are included in the sitemap.
  • <se:excludefiles>
    The files selected by this element are excluded from the output.
  • <se:excludeitems>
    The items selected by this element are excluded from the output.


The Impersonate macro is needed when the default guest user has no write access in the WWW root. Under normal circumstances this is the case and since the macro needs to write its sitemap file(s) and index file in the WWW root, it will need to run under the credentials of a user that has the ability to write in the WWW root.