Item Details - Social Media integration

Smartsite 7.6 - ...

The easiest way to create a Facebook or Twitter post for a specific item, is to open the Item Details for this item.


The list of channels in which the item is available has been adjusted, and now includes buttons to jump directly to the actions to create a new Facebook or Twitter post.

Using these buttons, the message will be pre-populated with a channel-specific item link.

cms:SocialMediaContent ctfp

You can configure a contenttype to always include a specific field within the message for a new Facebook or Twitter post, when clicking one of these buttons within the Item Details action.

To do so, add the ctfp cms:SocialMediaContent to the Nr field of the contenttype and specify the (logical) fieldname of the field which should be included within the message.

Notice that the field's value of the active version of the item will be used to pre-populate the message.

As of 7.8, specifying multiple fields (comma-separated) within the ctfp is supported. The content of these fields will be used to pre-populate the message.

cms:SocialMediaImageData ctfp

As of 7.8, this ctfp can be used to indicate a contenttype field which must be used to pre-populate the image field of the social media message.