Implicit Type Conversion

Release 1.0 - ...

SXML is strongly typed: it is aware of the difference between, for example, an integer and a string.

Whenever a type must be converted to another type, the rules listed in the table below are used to determine whether the type conversion can be applied automatically. To force a conversion between types that cannot be converted automatically, use one of the conversion vipers.

SXML implicit type conversion
TO   boolean integer float string datetime
boolean - Y* x x x
integer x - x x x
float x Y - x x
string Y* Y Y - Y*
datetime x x x x -


  • Conversion from integer to bool: 0= false else true.
  • Conversion from bool to string: 'true' or 'false'.
  • Conversion of datetime to string: XML formatted string, for example '2007-12-05T12:34:56'

Examples of implicit type conversions:

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
boolean to string: {sys.eval( 'string ' + (1==1) )} => 'string true'
boolean to string: {sys.eval( 'string ' + (0==1) )} => 'string false'

integer to string: {sys.eval( 'string ' + (1+2) )} => 'string 3'
float to string: {sys.eval( 'string ' + convert.todate('2010-12-25T12:34:56') )} => 'string 2010-12-25T12:34:56'
datetime to string: {sys.eval( 'string ' + 5.6789 )} => 'string 5.6789'

integer to bool: {sys.eval( 0==false )}; => true
integer to bool: {sys.eval( 1==true )};  => true

integer to float: {sys.eval( 123 + 5.6789 )}; => 128.6789