Viper Syntax

Release 1.0 - ...

A viper is a lightweight but powerful syntax used to invoke Smartsite business logic.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
{sys.iif( 3 * 4 GT 10, 'equal to or more than 10' , 'less than 10')}
{string.enclose(buffer.set(a, 12); $a + $a * $a, 'result: ')}

The viper syntax has several advantages:

  • Simple, easy-to-use.
    The syntax for a viper is basically a mathematical function call enclosed within curly braces {}.
  • Powerful.
    Nesting together with the expression evaluator allow for powerful constructs. 
  • Editor neutral.
    The viper syntax can be used in any -non XML- environment, even within wysiwyg editors.
  • Extendable.
    You can extend the available vipers with a site by building viper modules or by adding translations.
  • Unobtrusive.
    It is very unlikely that normal content includes a string that uses the viper syntax. To furher minimize the risk for collisions, unrecognized vipers are left untouched.
  • Intellisense.
    Full intellisense support, including code completion is available for vipers.

Viper syntax

The complete definition of the viper syntax is as follows:

Viper component Description
{ Viper starting left curly brace.
<ViperMethod name> A name is between 3 and 80 characters.
The first character must be in the range 'a-z'.
The remaining characters must be in the rang 'a-z', '0-9', '.' or '_'.
Note: all characters in the vipermethod name are lowercase!
( Left parenthesis to mark the start of the parameter block.
No whitespace is allowed between the left curly brace, viper method name and the left parenthesis.
[parameter [,parameter ...]]
Parameters are optional.
Multiple parameters must be separated using a comma.
)} Viper closing sequence.
No whitespace is allowed between these characters.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
Not a viper (incorrect whitespace): { whitespace.notallowed () }
    Not a viper (incorrect casing): {MustBe.Lowercase()}
 Not a viper (must start with a-z): {_not_a_viper()}
  Not a viper (invalid characters): {not:a$viper()}

Viper Parameters

The viper parameter block consists of zero or more parameters separated by a comma. The number of parameters depends on the viper method that is invoked. Many viper methods support overloads: several flavors of the same viper method with a different set of parameters.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
  No parameter: {}
 One parameter: {string.quote('world')}
Two parameters: {string.repeat('beh', 5)}

Each viper parameter is an expression. Therefore, you can use any whitespace within parameters.

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Compact notation without whitepace:
   {string.replace('Hello World!','World','Universe')}

More verbose notation spanning several lines:
     'Hello World!'
     , 'World'
     , 'Universe'

The viper parameter data cannot include the viper closing sequence. In this case, you must break the sequence using string concatenation.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
Invalid syntax: {string.trim('  {( invalid! )}  ')}
  Valid syntax: {string.trim('  {( valid! )'+'}  ')}

You cannot use tags within viper parameters as this would break the viper over multiple elements. Instead escape the tags using entities (&lt;, &gt; or SXML escaping (,

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
Invalid syntax: {string.trim('  <br />  ')}
  Valid syntax: {string.trim('  &lt;br /&gt;  ')}
  Valid syntax: {string.trim('  ''br /''  ')}