This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.
C# | Copy Code |
public sealed class Workflow |
Visual Basic (Declaration) | Copy Code |
Public NotInheritable Class Workflow |
The ErrorCodes type exposes the following fields.
Public Fields
Name | Description | |
ActivityFaulted |
A workflow activity terminated because an exception occurred in the implementation of the activity.
ActivityNotFound |
Workflow activity not found.
ActivityStateNotDefined |
An activity requires a state name; the state is however not defined for the activity.
BookmarkNotFound |
Failure to resume a workflow because the specified resumption bookmark was not found.
BookmarkNotReady |
Failure to resume a workflow because the specified resumption bookmark was not yet created.
CannotEstablishDefinition |
Failure to establish a workflow definition, for example the workflow definition is not found given
an identification. The workflow definition is a xaml XML definition.
CannotEstablishUserForRequest |
Failure to establish the current user when performing a workflow request. A user context is required
for all initiated workflow requests.
DatabaseNotPreparedForInstanceStoring |
The database used for persistence of workflows is not (properly) prepared with the tables, views and
other support as required by the workflow instance store.
InstanceExists |
Workflow instance exists already.
InstanceNotFound |
Workflow instance not found.
InstanceNotReady |
The workflow instance exists, but is not ready to be resumed or is not ready for some other operation.
InstanceReservationConflict |
Workflow instance reserved by one thread and accessed by another thread.
InternalError |
Internal error in the workflow subsystem, for example as the result of a failed internal assertion.
InvalidMethodArgument |
An argument passed to a method is invalid, for example null or empty when not expected. Arguments are
normally checked once, at the entry of the workflow subsystem.
MismatchBetweenStateAndBookmarkName |
A mismatch is detected when converting a state to a bookmark name or when converting a bookmark name
to a state.
TimeoutWhenReservingInstance |
Timeout when attempting to reserve a workflow instance for exclusive access.
WorkflowFaulted |
A workflow faulted, causing termination of the workflow instance.
XamlDefinitionAnalysisFailed |
Failure when analyzing the XML of a xaml workflow definition.
See Also
ErrorCodes..::..Workflow Class
Smartsite.Base Namespace