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C# Copy imageCopy Code
                                  public class AspNetCmsResponse
Visual Basic (Declaration) Copy imageCopy Code
                                  Public Class AspNetCmsResponse

The type exposes the following members.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public method AspNetCmsResponse
Initializes a new instance of the AspNetCmsResponse class.

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public method AddHeader
Adds the response header.
(Inherited from ResponseInfoBase.)
Public method CopyTo
Copies the values of this instance to specified target.
(Inherited from CmsResponseInfo.)
Public method CreateCacheKey
Creates the cache key.
(Inherited from CmsResponseInfo.)
Public method Dispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public method End
Ends the response immediately.
(Overrides CmsResponse..::End()()()().)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Flush
Flushes the underlying stream.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public method GetBytes
Returns the response stream as a byte array
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Redirect
Redirects the response to the specified address.
(Overrides CmsResponse..::Redirect(Locator).)
Public method SetHeadersReadOnly
Sets the headers in read-only state.
(Inherited from ResponseInfoBase.)
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public method TransmitHeaders
Transmits the headers of this instance to specified http response.
(Inherited from ResponseInfoBase.)
Public method UpdateLastModifiedDate
Updates the last modified date of the response, if the given date is newer than the current one.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public method Write
Writes the specified binary data.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public method Write
Writes the specified data into the response stream.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public method Write
Writes the specified data into the response stream.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public method WriteLine
Writes the specified data into the response stream, appending a line feed.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected method CreateOutputStream
Creates the output stream.
(Overrides CmsResponse..::CreateOutputStream()()()().)
Protected method Dispose
Disposes the specified full.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnBeforeWriteContent
Raised just before content is written
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Protected method OnContentTypeChanged
Called when the content type has changed.
(Overrides ResponseInfoBase..::OnContentTypeChanged(String).)
Protected method OnEncodingChanged
Called when the encoding has changed.
(Overrides ResponseInfo..::OnEncodingChanged(Encoding).)
Protected method WriteHeaders
Writes the headers to the output
(Overrides CmsResponse..::WriteHeaders()()()().)

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public property BufferOutput
Gets or sets if the output should be buffered before sending it to the client. Not supported by all devices.
(Overrides CmsResponse..::BufferOutput.)
Public property Cacheable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the response is cacheable on the client.
(Inherited from ResponseInfoBase.)
Public property ContentType
Gets or sets the type of the content.
(Inherited from ResponseInfoBase.)
Public property Encoding
Gets or sets the encoding.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property Headers
Gets the headers associated with this response.
(Inherited from ResponseInfoBase.)
Public property IsclientConnected
Gets a value indicating whether [isclient connected].
(Overrides ResponseInfoBase..::IsclientConnected.)
Public property IsCmsResponse
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is CMS response.
(Inherited from CmsResponseInfo.)
Public property IsResponseFiltered
Gets a value indicating whether the response is filtered.
(Overrides CmsResponse..::IsResponseFiltered.)
Public property Item
Gets the Cms item associated with the response.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property ItemNr
Gets the CMS item number associated with this instance.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property LastModified
Gets or sets the last modified.
(Inherited from ResponseInfoBase.)
Public property MaxAge
Gets or sets the max-age timespan.
(Inherited from ResponseInfoBase.)
Public property Metadata
Gets the metadata associated with this response.
(Inherited from ResponseInfo.)
Public property RequestBaseUrl
Gets or sets the base URL of the request.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property RequestFileName
Gets or sets the file name of the request.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property RequestUrl
Gets or sets the request URL.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property Status
Gets or sets the response status.
(Overrides CmsResponse..::Status.)
Public property StatusCode
Gets or sets the status code.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property StatusMessage
Gets or sets the status.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property Stream
Gets the output stream.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property SubStatusCode
Gets or sets the sub status code.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)
Public property UseNumericEntityFallback
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use numeric entity fallback when writing text using the current encoding.
(Inherited from CmsResponse.)

See Also
