This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.
The value of this enum determines how the value of a primary key is chosen.

Namespace: Smartsite.Data
Assembly:  Smartsite.Data (in Smartsite.Data.dll)


C#Copy imageCopy Code
public enum NumberingMode
Visual Basic (Declaration)Copy imageCopy Code
Public Enumeration NumberingMode


Member nameDescription
No numbering means that the database and Smartsite do not provide numbering for the given field. The developer that fills the DataSet must fill in a valid key.
AutoNumbering means that the field in the database is an identity field that performs its own numbering.
SmartNumbering means that Smartsite provides the numbering, based on the SmartNumbering settings.
UseIdentityInserts means that for inserts the primary key(s) will be set corresponding to the value(s) present within the dataset. This setting will be in effect for the complete dataset (both primary and nested tables), so use with caution.

See Also

Smartsite.Data Namespace