This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.


C# Copy imageCopy Code
                                  public class DigiDMembershipProvider
Visual Basic (Declaration) Copy imageCopy Code
                                  Public Class DigiDMembershipProvider

The type exposes the following methods.

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public method Static member AbandonToken
Removes the token, causing the user to log off.
Public method ChangePassword
Changes the password.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::ChangePassword(String, String, String).)
Public method ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer
Changes the password question and answer.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(String, String, String, String).)
Public method Static member CreateToken
Creates a new DigiD token and returns it.
Public method CreateUser
Creates the user.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::CreateUser(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Object, MembershipCreateStatus%).)
Public method DefaultUserMapping
Gets the default user mapping.
Public method DeleteUser
Deletes the user.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::DeleteUser(String, Boolean).)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ExecuteVerificationRequest
Executes the verification request.
Public method FindUsersByEmail
Gets a collection of membership users where the e-mail address contains the specified e-mail address to match.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::FindUsersByEmail(String, Int32, Int32, Int32%).)
Public method FindUsersByName
Finds the name of the users by.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::FindUsersByName(String, Int32, Int32, Int32%).)
Public method GetAllUsers
Gets a collection of all the users in the data source in pages of data.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::GetAllUsers(Int32, Int32, Int32%).)
Public method Static member getDigiDToken Overloaded.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetNumberOfUsersOnline
Gets the number of users currently accessing the application.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::GetNumberOfUsersOnline()()()().)
Public method GetPassword
Gets the password.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::GetPassword(String, String).)
Public method GetProfile
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUser Overloaded.
Public method GetUserId
Gets the user id.
Public method GetUserNameByEmail
Gets the user name associated with the specified e-mail address.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::GetUserNameByEmail(String).)
Public method InitAuthenticationSession
Initiates an DigiD authentication session.
Public method Initialize
Public method Static member IsTokenValid
Tests if the token is still valid.
Public method Static member RefreshToken
Refreshes the token if it is still valid.
Public method ResetPassword
Resets the password.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::ResetPassword(String, String).)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UnlockUser
Clears a lock so that the membership user can be validated.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::UnlockUser(String).)
Public method UpdateUser
Updates information about a user in the data source.
(Overrides MembershipProvider..::UpdateUser(MembershipUser).)
Public method UserMappings
Gets the user mappings (username vs. level) as configured within Smartsite.DigiD.config.

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected method DecryptPassword (Inherited from MembershipProvider.)
Protected method EncryptPassword (Inherited from MembershipProvider.)
Protected method EncryptPassword (Inherited from MembershipProvider.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnValidatingPassword (Inherited from MembershipProvider.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IWcfAwareMembershipProvider..::..ValidateUser
Verifies that the specified user name and password exist in the data source.

See Also
