This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.
This macro generates an import xml file which, after imported, will mirror the filesystem. The import xml contains items of contenttype FileLink and a contenttype of your choosing (defaults to CMS Folder) representing the folders on disc, as well as delete instructions for items which do not have a corresponding file or folder on disc anymore. Required input parameters: location of the files (folder on disc) which should be mirrored, an itemnumber of the root item which should act as mirror of the filesystem and a filename (relative path) where the import xml file should be saved to.

Namespace: Smartsite.FacetedSearch
Assembly:  Smartsite.FacetedSearch (in Smartsite.FacetedSearch.dll)


C#Copy imageCopy Code
public class FileSystemMirror : 
Visual Basic (Declaration)Copy imageCopy Code
<("SyncFileLinks")> _
<(.Level2)> _
Public Class FileSystemMirror _

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also
