This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.

Overload List

Name Description
Public method Static member GetAccessibleWhere(IRenderContext, String)
Returns an sql snippet that can be added to the where clause of a query on the current channel view to exclude items that the current user does not have access to.
Public method Static member GetAccessibleWhere(ICmsContext, String, String)
Returns an sql snippet that can be added to the where clause of a query using the given alias for a contents view to exclude items that the current user does not have access to.
Public method Static member GetAccessibleWhere(IRenderContext, String, Boolean)
Returns an sql snippet that can be added to the where clause of a query on the current channel view to exclude items that the current user does not have access to.
Public method Static member GetAccessibleWhere(ICmsContext, String, String, Boolean)
Returns an sql snippet that can be added to the where clause of a query using the given alias for a contents view to exclude items that the current user does not have access to.
Public method Static member GetAccessibleWhere(ICmsContext, String, String, String)
Returns an sql snippet that can be added to the where clause of a query in the active view of a given channel to exclude items that a given user does not have access to.
Public method Static member GetAccessibleWhere(ICmsContext, String, String, String, Boolean)
Returns an sql snippet that can be added to the where clause of a query in the active view of a given channel to exclude items that a given user does not have access to.
Public method Static member GetAccessibleWhere(ICmsContext, String, String, String, String, String)
Returns an sql snippet that can be added to the where clause of a parameterized query using the given alias for a contents view to exclude items that the given user does not have access to. The user is responsible for passing the named parameters to the sql query.

See Also
