This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.
The Smartlet macro is uniquely used in Smartlet (SML) translations, and provides an environment to build so called 'Smartlets', Ajax-enabled web page components.
The Smartlet macro is used to create a public interface for state to travel between server and client,
and to handle the dual rendering (translation phase, ajax callback phase).

Namespace: Smartsite.Scf
Assembly:  Smartsite.Scf (in Smartsite.Scf.dll)


C#Copy imageCopy Code
public class Smartlet : 
Visual Basic (Declaration)Copy imageCopy Code
<(.Level1)> _
Public Class Smartlet _

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also

Smartlet Members
Smartsite.Scf Namespace