This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.
C# | Copy Code |
public static class Utility |
Visual Basic (Declaration) | Copy Code |
Public NotInheritable Class Utility |
The type exposes the following members.
Public Methods
Name | Description | |
CombineCssClasses |
Combines the given CSS classes for the class attribute.
ConvertCSSReferencesToXHtml |
Converts the CSS references to XHtml, using 'img' tags with 'src' attributes, in order to scan the references using Xml technology.
GetClientVar |
Gets a string that can be used as identifier of a Javascript client variable.
GetHtmlSelectOptions | Overloaded. | |
GetMimeTypeFromFileName |
Gets the name of the MIME type from a given filename.
GetRootPath | Overloaded. | |
GetStreamBytes |
Gets the stream bytes.
Html2Xhtml |
Converts HTML to XHTML.
IsAspNetFileExtension |
Returns true if the given File Type represents one of the Asp.Net file types.
IsLocalHost |
Returns true if the IPaddress is one of the IP addresses of this computer.
IsSelfClosingHtmlTag |
Returns true if a tag is supposed to be self-closing in HTML 4 or required to be self-closing in XHTML 1.0.
The complete list of self-closing tags is: area, base, basefont, br, col, frame, hr, img, input, isindex, link, meta, param. |
IsTextualMimeType |
Determines whether the given mime type represents textual data.
JavascriptQuote |
Returns a value for Javascript, optionally quoted if needed.
Pipe |
Tunnels data from the input to the specified output streams
ToJavascript | Overloaded. | |
TransmitFile |
Transmits the contents of the file to specified stream.
TryParseGmtDate |
Tries to parse the gmt DateTime.
Public Fields
Name | Description | |
ContentTypeApplicationOctetStream |
Represents the content type application/octet-stream.
ContentTypeApplicationPdf |
Represents the content type application/pdf.
See Also
Smartsite.Web Namespace