Run stored procedure pr_tsFacetedSearch after adding/changing physical field weights

Release 1.3 - ...

Physical field weights are applied by adding additional search queries (combined using UNION ALL) to the constructed main search query. Within the additional search query, the CONTAINSTABLE statement will use the physical field directly, so the Search Group's view must contain this column.

However, when adding a new entry to the Physical Field Weights for a specific Search Group, this column will not yet exist on the Search Group's view.

Therefore, you need to run the stored procedure pr_tsFacetedSearch to update the view, e.g.:

SQL CopyCode image Copy Code
exec pr_tsFacetedSearch 'PREPLAZY', 'PUB'

This procedure will add the physical field(s) to the searchgroup's view as a separate column, together with an extra column for the specified weight for each column.

Notice that these separate weight columns for specific physical fields are static within the view's definition, so when you change the weight value for one or more physical fields, you need to run the stored procedure as well.

Alternatively, you can run the stored procedure pr_RebuildViews, which will call the pr_tsFacetedSearch procedure for each Search Group.