Upgrading Smi 2.x
Release 1.4 - ...
Upgrading Smi 2.x to a new version requires you to perform the following steps:
- Uninstall SmiServer
- Stop the SmiServer service.
- Copy the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Smartsite Software\SmiServer\SmiServer.exe.config to a temporary location.
- Uninstall SmiServer from the Control Panel
- Remove the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Smartsite Software\SmiServer and all its contents.
- Install the new SmiServer
- Run the setup, this will install SmiServer.
- Stop the SmiServer service.
- Copy SmiServer.exe.config from the temporary location back to its original location.
- Run the sql script C:\Program Files (x86)\Smartsite Software\SmiServer\Database\SqlServer\Upgrade.sql on all your existing Smi databases, if this upgrade exists.
- Start the SmiServer service.
- Uninstall existing Smi content items
- Delete the item with the code SMI_ROOT and all its children.
- Open Data Management and purge all the items you just deleted
- Install Smi content items and binaries
- Run the PUB server setup. This will upgrade the existing binary files and add the new Smi content items.