![]() |
Gets the current page.
This viper method also supports the extension viper syntax.
Smartsite SXML |
![]() |
integer this.current() |
Extension Viper Syntax
Smartsite SXML |
![]() |
integer page.<id>.current() |
This Viper method does not expose any parameters.
Return Value
Data Type | Description |
Integer | The current page. |
Used in
Macro | Description |
Paging |
Paging macro. Holds state for paging through large datasets. Can be used in combination with existing datatables to page through large datasets. Use in combination with macros/vipers that return datatables. |
Simple Paging Example
In this example, we navigate through a resultset created sing a simple search form.
Smartsite SXML |
![]() |
<!-- // show a search form --> <form class="CoolForm" action="{request.location()}" method="get"> <label for="q">Find</label> <input class="Required Border Control TextBox" id="q" name="q" value="{request.query(q)}"/> <br/> <input class="Control" type="submit" value="Search"/> </form> {buffer.set(q, string.trim(request.query(q)), rem="Store our search buffer")} <se:if expression="$q!=''"> <se:paging id="srs" pagesize="5" rem="Create a state machine for our paged search results" /> <se:sqlquery pagingid="srs" rem="SqlQuery macro bound to paging macro 'srs'" save="data" resulttype="datatable" sql="select c.nr, c.title,c.description, c.moddate, u.fullname from {channel.view()} c join vwUsers u on c.userid=u.nr where title like ? order by moddate desc" params="{string.concat('%', string.replace($q, '*','%'), '%')}" /> <se:format inputdata="data" rem="Format the subset of the results"> <se:rowformat> <li> <a href="{this.location()}">{this.name()}</a><br /> <small> {sys.iif(this.field(description)!='', string.concat(this.field(description), html.break()), '')} {datetime.format(this.field(moddate), 'd MMM yyyy, HH:mm')} by {this.field(fullname, default='unknown author')} </small> </li> </se:rowformat> <se:resultformat> <h3>Results for '{buffer.get(q)}'</h3> <ul> {this.result()} </ul> </se:resultformat> </se:format> <!--// Show the paging navigation --> <span class="navbar {sys.iif(page.srs.count() == 1, 'hidden')}"> {page.srs.goto(First)} {page.srs.goto(Previous)} {page.srs.goto(Next)} {page.srs.goto(Last)} page {page.srs.current()} of {page.srs.count()}: {page.srs.offset()} to {math.min(page.srs.totalcount(), page.srs.offset()+page.srs.size()-1)} of {page.srs.totalcount()} items. </span> </se:if> |
- Macro
- Macro Parameters
- Macro Parameter Properties
- Global Viper Methods
Local Viper Methods
- This.Add (Json) Viper Method
- This.Add (Metadata) Viper Method
- This.Add (PlaceHolder) Viper Method
- This.Add (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.AddDublinCore (Metadata) Viper Method
- This.AddLine Viper Method
- This.AddNamespace (Metadata) Viper Method
- This.AddNull (Json) Viper Method
- This.AddValue (Json) Viper Method
- This.AffectedRecords (SqlQuery) Viper Method
- This.AIM.Relations Viper Method
- This.Allowemptysearch (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.AltText (Image) Viper Method
- This.Amount (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Append Viper Method
- This.AppendChild (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.AppendChildBinary (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.AppendChildXml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.ApplyBoxFormat (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Attribs (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.AutoTitle (Image) Viper Method
- This.BoxData (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.BoxMode (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.BoxSkin (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Brand (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Break (For) Viper Method
- This.Break Viper Method
- This.Buffer.Exists Viper Method
- This.Buffer.Get Viper Method
- This.Buffer.Set Viper Method
- This.Buttons (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.CanGoBack (Paging) Viper Method
- This.CanGoForward (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Caption (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.ChildLevelResult Viper Method
- This.ClassName (Image) Viper Method
- This.Clear Viper Method
- This.ClearDublinCore (Metadata) Viper Method
- This.ClearForcedResult Viper Method
- This.ColCount Viper Method
- This.ColName Viper Method
- This.ColNumber Viper Method
- This.CompleteDocument Viper Method
- This.ContentTypeWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.ContentTypeWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Count (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Currency (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CurrentIndex (Siblings) Viper Method
- This.CustomerAddress (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerCountry (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerEmail (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerName (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerPhone (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerTown (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerZipcode (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Data (ViewSource) Viper Method
- This.Data Viper Method
- This.DefaultResultFormat (XLinks) Viper Method
- This.DefaultRowFormat (XLinks) Viper Method
- This.Delete (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.Delete Viper Method
- This.DocTypeHeader Viper Method
- This.DocumentBody Viper Method
- This.DocumentBodyNode Viper Method
- This.EditedSmartlet (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.EditorUseLocation (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Enable (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.Message Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.SmartsiteCode Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.Throw Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.ToString Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.Type Viper Method
- This.Error.Message Viper Method
- This.Error.SmartsiteCode Viper Method
- This.Error.Throw Viper Method
- This.Error.ToString Viper Method
- This.Error.Type Viper Method
- This.Evaluate (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.Exists (Json) Viper Method
- This.Expires Viper Method
- This.ExtractBinary (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.ExtraData (Payment) Viper Method
- This.ExtraElements (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Facet (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.Facet (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.FacetSelectFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.FacetSelectFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.FacetWhereClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.FacetWhereClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Field Viper Method
- This.Field.Exists Viper Method
- This.FieldName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.FieldName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.FieldWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.FieldWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.FindExact Viper Method
- This.FindExtension Viper Method
- This.FirstResult (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Footer (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.ForceLayout (FlexLayout) Viper Method
- This.FormAttribs (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.FreetextTablesearch (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Get (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetAttribute (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetByPosition (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetCacheKey (Cache) Viper Method
- This.getcount (Chart) Viper Method
- This.GetDocType Viper Method
- This.GetEncoded (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetEncodedValue (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetEncoding Viper Method
- This.GetForcedResult Viper Method
- This.GetInnerXml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetJson (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetJsonTypeName (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetJsonTypeName (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetLabel (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.GetLocalNodeName (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetMaxYValue (Chart) Viper Method
- This.GetMinYValue (Chart) Viper Method
- This.GetNameByPosition (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetNamespaceUri (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetNodeName (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetOmitXmlDeclaration (XHtmlPage) Viper Method
- This.GetParameter Viper Method
- This.GetPollItem (Poll) Viper Method
- This.GetPrefix (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.getseriesname (Chart) Viper Method
- This.GetTotalCount (Paging) Viper Method
- This.GetTypedValue (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetValue (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetValue (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetValueByPosition (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetXml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GoTo (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Group Viper Method
- This.GroupCount Viper Method
- This.GroupNumber Viper Method
- This.GroupResult Viper Method
- This.GroupRowNumber Viper Method
- This.HasUserVoted (Poll) Viper Method
- This.HeadSection Viper Method
- This.Height (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Ignore (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.ImageId (Image) Viper Method
- This.Index (For) Viper Method
- This.InfoLabel (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Initialized (Paging) Viper Method
- This.InnerClass (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.InsertAfter (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.InsertBefore (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.InsertNodeAfter (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.InsertNodeBefore (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.isActive (Poll) Viper Method
- This.IsBaseQuery (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.IsBaseQuery (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.IsCached (Cache) Viper Method
- This.IsDirectory (Dir) Viper Method
- This.isMultiSelect (Poll) Viper Method
- This.ItemFormat (FeedReader) Viper Method
- This.ItemFormat (SiteMap) Viper Method
- This.JoinClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.JoinClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Key.Add (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.Key.RemoveChannelDependency (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.LastModified Viper Method
- This.LastResult (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Length (Json) Viper Method
- This.Length Viper Method
- This.Level Viper Method
- This.LevelResult Viper Method
- This.LevelRowNumber Viper Method
- This.Load (Json) Viper Method
- This.Location (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Location Viper Method
- This.MaxRows Viper Method
- This.MimeType (Json) Viper Method
- This.MimeType Viper Method
- This.Mode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.Mode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Name Viper Method
- This.Offset (Paging) Viper Method
- This.OnClick (Image) Viper Method
- This.OrderBy (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.OrderBy (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.OrderId (Payment) Viper Method
- This.OuterClass (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.OuterId (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.OutputColorDepth (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputCommandOrder (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputFileSize (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputFileType (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputFrameCount (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputHeight (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputLocation (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputResolutionUnit (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputResolutionX (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputResolutionY (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputStyle (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputWidth (Image) Viper Method
- This.param Viper Method
- This.ParameterExists Viper Method
- This.ParentLevel (Parents) Viper Method
- This.PaymentMethod (Payment) Viper Method
- This.PopularityWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.PopularityWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.PopulateDatatable (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.PreviewPane (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Price (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.Products (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.Question (Poll) Viper Method
- This.Rank (Tags) Viper Method
- This.RankingFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.RankingFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.RankingStatement (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.RankingStatement (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.RawField Viper Method
- This.Redirect (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Remove (Json) Viper Method
- This.Remove (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.RemoveAll (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.RemoveAttribute (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.RemoveNamespace (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.Render (Application) Viper Method
- This.Render Viper Method
- This.Rendered Viper Method
- This.RenderedChannel (References) Viper Method
- This.RenderTime Viper Method
- This.ResponseCookies (EmbedUri) Viper Method
- This.ResponseHeaders (EmbedUri) Viper Method
- This.ResponseHeaders Viper Method
- This.ResponseTime Viper Method
- This.Result Viper Method
- This.Result Viper Method
- This.ResultChannelCode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.ResultChannelCode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.ResultChannelJoins (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.ResultChannelJoins (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.RowCount Viper Method
- This.RowNumber Viper Method
- This.RowResult Viper Method
- This.Search Viper Method
- This.SearchCondition (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SearchCondition (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.SearchGroupViewName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SearchGroupViewName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.SearchQuery (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SearchQuery (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.SelectFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SelectFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.SeoPriority (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SeoPriority (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Serial (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Serve (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.Set (Json) Viper Method
- This.SetAttribute (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetCurrentPage (Paging) Viper Method
- This.SetCustomDocType Viper Method
- This.SetDocType Viper Method
- This.SetEncoding Viper Method
- This.SetForcedResult Viper Method
- This.SetInnerXml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetNamespace (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetNull (Json) Viper Method
- This.SetOmitXmlDeclaration (XHtmlPage) Viper Method
- This.SetProductCount (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.SetResult (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetTotalCount (Paging) Viper Method
- This.SetValue (Json) Viper Method
- This.SetValue (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetXmlVersion (XHtmlPage) Viper Method
- This.SiblingCount (Siblings) Viper Method
- This.SiblingExists (Siblings) Viper Method
- This.Size (Dir) Viper Method
- This.Size (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Size Viper Method
- This.Skip (Paging) Viper Method
- This.SkipRows Viper Method
- This.SmartletName (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Status (Payment) Viper Method
- This.StatusCode Viper Method
- This.Step (For) Viper Method
- This.Summary (Payment) Viper Method
- This.SXMLPath Viper Method
- This.TableOrView (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.TableOrView (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.TaxGroups (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.TaxTotals (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.Title (Dir) Viper Method
- This.Title (Image) Viper Method
- This.Title (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Title Viper Method
- This.ToDisplay (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.ToString (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.Totals (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.TotalVotes (Poll) Viper Method
- This.ToXml (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.UseBox (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Value (Switch) Viper Method
- This.VisibleRowCount Viper Method
- This.VisibleRowNumber Viper Method
- This.Vote (Poll) Viper Method
- This.WhereClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.WhereClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Width (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Xml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.XmlDeclaration (XHtmlPage) Viper Method
- This.XValue (Chart) Viper Method
- This.YValue (Chart) Viper Method
- SXML Data Types
- Examples
- Tips & Tricks